Finance Startup

5 Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid When Raising Funds

Summary: A startup`s fundraising efforts depend on its ability to make itself and its business ideas appealing.  Here are five common mistakes every entrepreneur must avoid.

According to a report by IBM Institute for Business Value & Oxford Economics, over 90% of Indian startups fail miserably within 5 years of inception.

Starting a business is a pricey process. From hosting a website to hiring the right people, everything can quickly add up to the cost of the company. So unless you are independently wealthy or able to monetize right away, you will need large funds to foot the bills.

However, it does not mean that you should start rushing to people and start asking them for money to raise funds for your startup business. Before you think about raising funds, stop and consider the best way to raise money sustainably for your business. You can also hire a business coach to help you raise funds.

To ensure that your startup runs smoothly, we have listed out a list of fundraising mistakes that every entrepreneur must avoid:

1. Raising Capital too Early

When you have invested your own money in your business, you can stop the project anytime. But once you borrow money from investors, you will feel intensified pressure to make your business a huge success. You will have to give away a lot of equity in your company if you go this route. Hence, try to bootstrap your business and try to use existing resources to avoid the extra pressure.

2. Not Seeking Professional Advice

Entrepreneurs are often independent and self-sufficient. Hence, they often try to overcome any obstacle on their come that comes their way. While this conquering spirit is part of what makes entrepreneurs great, it can also be a fault. When raising funds for your startup, it’s critically important to seek the advice of professionals to better understand your funding needs and requirements. Consulting a business coach with real valuation experience can help you save your time and money on the wrong decisions down the road.

3. Not Raising Enough Funds

Some entrepreneurs ask for less funding than they require. It is the biggest fundraising mistake that can lead to the shutdown of the startup. Always ask for the amount by keeping your financial requirement as realistic as possible. Don`t worry about scaring investors by asking for the amount of money you will require for your business. To know step by step process of fund raising, watch here:

4. Lack of Clear Objectives

Having a clear goal in mind is essential to raise capital investment. Figuring out how much money you need to reach your next milestone is essential. From operational costs to essential professional services, determine how much capital you need. Not having a clear idea is another mistake that every entrepreneur must avoid.

5. Giving up too Much of the Company

One of the worst fundraising mistakes that entrepreneurs can make is giving up too much ownership of the company. While a deal that includes a good portion of your company might seem appealing, you could end up paying a much higher cost down the road.

Try to keep ownership within the company. Find out ways to raise or access funds which are more feasible.

Also, don’t forget to build and create relationships as you may come across people who can help you with investment. If you don’t know where to begin, start by making a list of businesses that intrigue you. You can use tools such as AngelList and Crunchbase to get a sense of the investors behind each project. You can also hire a business coach who can help you with networking.

These mistakes might appear small, however, if you want to successfully run your business, avoid falling into the trap of repeating these costly mistakes. Want to know the fundamental rules of fundraising?

Take our ‘Problem Solving Courses’ and gain in-depth knowledge about raising funds. To know more, visit:


Increase Your Productivity At Work With These 7 Time Management Tips That Work!

Summary: Time management is necessary to achieve goals and success in personal and professional life.

Time is precious. Time is money. And one of the most important skills you can have in your life is powerful and effective time management. If you are unable to manage your time well, there is no way you are going to achieve your goals within and outside the workplace.

You will make progress for sure. But your time management will be an uphill battle if you waste and don’t manage your time seriously.  No matter your gender, age, religion, income, race, or religion, you only get 24 hours to work for your dream. From a student to an entrepreneur, a business owner to a business coach, a minister to a housewife, each person gets the same amount of time.

So, what is that one factor that makes all the difference? It’s Time Management. It is not how much time you have, but how effectively you manage it. You can also watch some of the best time management techniques, right here:

If you are serious about achieving your goals, you not only need to set your goals the right way but also learn time-management tactics. Here are 7 time management tips that will help you to achieve your goals:

1. Set Your Goals the Right Way

Very few people understand that there is a wrong way of setting a goal and there is a right way of doing it. If you don’t follow the right way, then you will miss the targets. This could result in derailing you from the track. On the contrary, when you set goals the right way, the sky’s the limit. You can use the SMART goal-setting method that can help you set long-term and short-term goals. Always ensure that you have powerful deep down meanings for wanting to achieve them.

2. Follow a Good Management System

One of the most effective methods for managing your time is to find the right system to do it. The quadrant time-management system is an effective way to start your day. The quadrant time-management system divides your activities into four quadrants based on two parameters- urgency and importance.

Things are either urgent or important, both or neither. Activities in quadrant 4 are the ones that you want to stay away from.

3. Spend Your Mornings with MIT’s

Mark Twain once said, “If it is your job to eat a frog, it is best to do it first thing in the morning. And if you have to eat two frogs, it is best to eat the biggest one first.” What he is trying to imply is to tackle your biggest tasks in the morning. These are your most important tasks (MITs) of the day. Accomplishing those tasks will boost your morale and give you the momentum to help you sail through the rest of the day. You can learn effective time management skills with our problem solving course on Time Management.

4. Follow the 80-20 Rule

Pareto Principle is another great management rule that states that 80% of the result comes from 20% of the efforts. In sales, it means that 80% of the sales come from 20 percent of the customers. All you have to do is to identify 20 percent of the efforts that produce 80 percent of the results and focus on that.

5. Bring Keystone Habits Into Life

In his bestselling book- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhig coined the term ‘keystone habit.’ The keystone is the stone that holds all other stones in place. It encourages you to cultivate other good habits and also to eliminate bad habits as well. Focus on keystone habits and you’ll get much better at managing your overall time by making your habit development much easier.

6. Keep Distractions at Bay

It is very easy to get distracted by incoming messages and other notifications throughout our day. Hence, schedule time to read and respond to those notifications. If there is something urgent, the person will call or text you.

7. 52 Minutes Work, 17 Minutes Break

According to research, one should work for 52 minutes straight and then take a compulsory 17 minutes break. It sharpens your focus and increases your productivity. Whether you are a student or an entrepreneur, it is important to take breaks in the middle of work. Keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels by breaking frequently.

Balance is the key to leading a great life. If you lack balance in your life, you are going to feel stressed out. Even if you’re able to effectively juggle your responsibilities, without proper balance you’re going to eventually reach your breaking point. Hence, it is important to learn to manage those 24 hours effectively.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Business motivation Process & Business Expansion

Hiring a Business Coach? Here are 5 Key Reasons You Should ASAP!

Summary: Having a business mentor is important if you want to achieve your goals in life. If you are an entrepreneur who has just started his journey, you should hire a business coach. Getting yourself a mentor who can guide you with his years of experience and expertise is the best way to achieve your goals.

Let`s say you want to go from point A to point B in your city. You are new to the city, and only have a basic idea about the medium of transport. Now there are three ways to find how you can get there.

The first way is to figure it out all by yourself. This might require you to get around the city and walk the streets in your quest to find the right one. This could be time-consuming and frustrating. You might reach or you might quit before reaching your destination.

The second way is to ask for directions. You can ask random people on the streets. While some might point you in the right direction, others may send you in the opposite direction. Nonetheless, you will waste a lot of time.

Now, the third way is to use GPS or Google Maps. A map will guide you turn by turn along with telling you the shortest route saving you from traffic jams. You will save time, frustration, and confusion. You will reach your destination easily. A mentor is just like GPS who will give you directions and help you to achieve your goal on time.

Many entrepreneurs often take the first way, trying everything out instead of getting a mentor. They read books, watch online videos and enroll themselves in random online problem solving courses. This is just like asking for directions from random people who might not be aware of your business requirements.

Here are five reasons why you should work along with a business coach:

1. Mentors Act as Great Navigators

Young entrepreneurs need to understand the right way to achieve success without deviating from their path. Success in any business is a combination of many factors and one of them is to keep updating and learning about business. Your mentor can suggest an online business coaching program for entrepreneurs that can help you to expand your viewpoint. It will help you to resolve problems and will boost your confidence too.

2. Mentors Provide Unbiased Views

Business mentoring and coaching are two different concepts. Your business coach does not have to be your best friend. The objective of a mentor is to help you develop your business. But to achieve that he will have to view your business with a fresh perspective, and unbiased eyes and guide you, instead of solving problems.

3. A Mentor can Help You Set Benchmarks

After the initial discussion, the key role of a business coach is to initiate goal setting and celebrate important achievements to help entrepreneurs stay engaged and enthusiastic.

4. Mentors Can Help You Find Investors

Being an entrepreneur one of the major challenges is to find an investor for your business idea in which you believe with all your heart. Angel investors or venture capitalists are individuals and groups that provide funds to startups with promising ideas. They will be more interested in you once they understand the potential of your business through the eyes of an experienced industry professional who is also your mentor.

5. Mentors Provide Balance

Young entrepreneurs often come up with unique concepts and business ideas. They believe in working in innovative and smart ways while chucking old-school approaches. However, it is always advisable to have a combination of old and new in a moderate balance. Business coaches often adopt smart working techniques, while providing sound advice and constant guidance to achieve the right milestones at the right time.

Mentoring is a long process that demands consistency. While you may feel that you don’t need a business coach all the time, having someone who is an expert and a seasoned professional who you can reach out to anytime provides great comfort.

To know more about a business coach. Visit:


5 Smart Ways To Help You Settle Business Loans Quickly!

Summary: Is your business running in losses? Are you losing your investors because of the debt? Do you want to take your small business out of debt?

Rising interest rates and high corporate debt levels are giving sleepless nights to lots of investors and small business owners. It is impossible to predict the future, and with the latest happenings in the world, the period of consistent declines in the GDP of India, it is challenging for small business owners to run their business operations with the guidance of an expert.

Though most entrepreneurs begin their startup by arranging funds through debt funding, equity funding, loans, or other less formal sources like friends & family, the experience of being in debt can be scary and overwhelming. To avoid making drastic mistakes at the initial stage, many entrepreneurs also hire the best business coach in India.

If managed smartly, borrowing funds can help you accomplish your goals; if mismatched, it will affect your financial well-being and cause mental stress, especially to small business owners that are worse affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Indian government launched many loan schemes to offer relief to MSMEs in subordinated debts, collateral-free loans, and equity infusion through its Fund of Funds (FoF) scheme in 2020. This scheme proposes to purchase up to 15% growth capital in high-credit MSMEs.

You can work with a business coach who can help you manage funds more efficiently. Also, if you have a well-thought financial plan, you can solve the cumbersome process of taking your business out of debt, just like others. Here is how you can chart your way out of debt:

1. Reorganize the Debts 

The first step that will take you closer to managing your debt is to organize all the details of precisely what you owe. Make a list of your debts with EMIs, interest rates, and tenures. This will help you recognize the costliest obligations.

2. Pay Urgent & Costliest Debts First!

After sorting out your debts, pick the costliest one! If not paid on time, expensive debts will extract the highest interest. This can drain your finances. Hence, settle your costliest debts on a priority basis. Take help from the best business coach for strategies that will help you pay your debts.

3. Make Monthly Budget

One of the most vital debt management techniques is planning a monthly budget! Make a list of your income & expenses while deciding on your monthly budget. This will allow you to think about ways to reduce your daily expenditure. Having details of monthly cash flow can help you save money that you can use to clear your debt.

4. Consolidate Loans

Sometimes keeping track of all the loans can be difficult. If you have too many loans, it can be a good idea to consolidate them into one. This will leave you with just one EMI. Business loans, personal loans, and credit cards provide you with this option. It will remove various debts and leave you with just one loan to track. Consult with a business motivational speaker today to understand your finances. 

5. Protect yourself Against Economic Shocks 

The future is uncertain, and it is wise to protect yourself from uncertainties you might be exposed to. For E.g., a loss of a job could lead to delayed EMIs. So, to avoid such situations, create an emergency fund to help you sustain yourself during a bad phase. Ideally, this fund should be 3-6 times more than your current monthly income.

Repaying loans is a moral, legal, and also a financial obligation. With intelligent and effective debt management strategies, you too can get your business out of debt. Learn how to manage your debt with the top-industry leaders from our Problem Solving Courses.


5 Effective Ways To Raise Funds For Your Startups Without Investors

Summary: Want to raise funds but can`t find investors? Here are four ways in which you can raise funds without investors.

Establishing a business from the scratch is not so easy. It is quite difficult when it comes to strategizing, managing, and thinking about different segments of the business. And to build it without the initial capital investment from the investors can be even harder.

Though the process might seem time-consuming, starting a startup in India without the burden of investors can yield benefits that outweigh the cons. If you are an amateur, you can take help from a motivational speaker.

Here are 5 ways in which you can do fund-raising for a business without investors:

1. Keep Your Job as Side Hustle

Since starting a startup business in India without investors can leave you with a lack of funds, it is always a cool idea to continue with your day job. This will give you the advantage of saving your salary.

2. Make the Most of Government Loan Schemes

Whether you want to start your business without an investor or are unable to find one, you can still fulfill your entrepreneurial dream, thanks to government schemes. To focus on ‘Make in India’, the government has started a few loan schemes.

Schemes like CGTMSE, MUDRA, and Stand-up India can provide you with collateral-free debts and can get access to low-cost capital. To get expert guidance, you can work with the best motivational speaker of India.

3. Use your Revenue to do Fund Raising

Not all startups are pre-revenue generators. Many startups have customers and monthly revenue, so why not plan smartly and use that money to grow faster. A Revenue Based Loan can turn your revenues into growth capital and can help you to do fund-raising without an investor.  To know step by step process of fund raising, watch here:

4. Go for Crowd Funding

You can also raise money through crowd-funding. Crowd-funding refers to the funds from a large number of people who contribute with a small amount of cash. The process of crowd-funding is typically done via online platforms.

5. Do Everything for Your Business

A business is just like a baby! Hence, be ready to give all your time and attention. Not just that, you must be willing to make sacrifices to free up your time.

As an entrepreneur, you may want to taste success as soon as possible. However, patience is the virtue that makes any business successful. You may feel challenged at the initial stage of building a start-up. If not prepared, you may have to suffer losses too. Hence, get all the information and knowledge from the industry experts.

We know what you are thinking! The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer courses like Business Coaching Program, Problem Solving Courses (PSC) & Lifetime Membership (LTM).


4 Powerful Twitter Marketing Tips can Help Your Business Grow!

Summary: Twitter is an excellent place for businesses to grow. But with things moving so quickly on this platform, can you promote your brand on this platform?

Do you know what the average lifespan of one tweet is? 18 minutes. Yes, that’s it. Every second around 7,000 new tweets is sent across the world.

This is why your marketing strategies for Twitter have to pack a punch to get people`s attention.

If you are an entrepreneur and want to promote your brand through social media, you will have to find a perfect strategy. You can also hire a business coach for guidance and support.

Here are four powerful marketing tips for Twitter that works:

1. Pick the Right Handle, Right Picture, Header Image

Recognizable, easy-to-remember, and short- your Twitter handle should have it all. Having a simple but relatable and catchy Twitter handle means people can easily remember you and tag you. You will be easily searchable, which will eventually result in increased followers.

Keep your names consistent across all social media profiles. Using a different character from your brand or company name might confuse followers or make your page hard to find.

If you’re just getting started, choose a Twitter handle that is as close to your brand’s name as you can get. Avoid picking irrelevant numbers or any punctuation marks.

With a short Twitter name, you’ll be more likely to get @mentions from other users and brands because people are less likely to mention businesses with long Twitter handles due to the character limit of each tweet. You can also work with a business mentor who can help you build a more powerful and engaging brand image.

2. Showcase Your Brand`s Personality via Optimized Bio 

Can you showcase your brand in just a 160-char space? If yes, start creating a kill bio that will be visible to the entire world, including your potential customers, right below your profile image.

However, make sure that it is simple and easy to read. Just tell the entire world about yourself, your brand, and your vision in short, sweet sentences.

Factors you must include into account:

a). Tell people precisely what your brand is.

b). Incorporate some personality or humor. Say something original. Don’t be afraid to use your wits.

c). Brag a bit. If your brand has some outstanding accomplishments under its belt, let people know.

d). Write a bio that will attract people who fit your target audience.

e). Add relevant hashtags so that people can find your account when they search for those terms.

f). Tag other brands you may be associated with within this space.

3. Tweet During Peak Hours

Every time is a good time- while this might be true in various other aspects of life, it is undoubtedly not applicable to social media. There are certain days of the week or times of day when users are more active on Twitter, meaning they’ll be more likely to engage with your posts. There are many tools through which you can schedule posts. Some of them are available online for free.

By identifying those hours and days and posting during them, you’ll gain more impressions, boost engagement, and get tons of clicks. For Twitter, if you post tweets on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, they will have higher CTRs than those posted during the other days of the week.

4. Use Hashtags Sparingly

Tweets with more than two hashtags receive a drop in engagement by 17%. Using hashtags in your post is essential but overusing them can backfire and do more harm than good.

Wouldn`t it be nice that your target customer is looking for your product or services every second? Twitter is a platform where you can easily reach and find your target audience. All you need is a powerful marketing strategy.

You can also work along with the best business coach for expert guidance. If you are struggling with business challenges, you should read our article on how a business coach can help your business grow?

The idea of managing a business is more straightforward said than done, and we agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Problem Solving Courses that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


4 Quotes By Jeff Bezos That Will Inspire You To Chase Your Dreams

Summary: Sometimes pearls of wisdom can help you in building a great life. Draw some inspiration from these five quotes by Jeff Bezos.

In this digital world, the name of Jeff Bezos needs no introduction. The CEO and founder of Amazon is a popular figure. During the pandemic, when most businesses were facing shutdowns, Amazon flourished courtesy of the services that it provided that were vital for the survival of our modern society.

Bezos has provided some of the best advices for many entrepreneurs who are looking to emulate his success. You can watch his case study here:

Here are four things all of us can learn from this billionaire to implement into our businesses:

1. “Choosing to work hard is the key to being successful.”

Growing up, Bezos says that his motto was “nil sine labore,” which means “nothing without hard work.” He firmly believed that hard work has no replacement. Many people often ask him the difference between a gift and a skill. Or does being talented at something require effort on your part? To this, Bezos replies that when you have a gift and you still choose to work hard, you are going to leverage that gift.

The world is full of people who have gifts but either they don’t realize their potential or don’t have the means to take full advantage of them. But there is one thing that everyone must know you have to put in the work every day to meet your goals.

2. “No dream is too big.”

We all have dreams. But some of us are afraid to chase them. However, having big dreams often act as a driving force to do something great in our lives. It gives a sense of purpose that we need to achieve every morning when we open our eyes. Some people dream of having a job, while others dream of giving something back to society. But no matter what that dream might be, it is up to us to figure out how to chase it and turn it into reality.

With his Blue Origin`s New Shepard rocket ship, Jeff says he achieved his lifelong dream. Though not many of us dream about owning a rocket ship company, it is a pure example that no dream is too big. As they say, if we shoot for the moon, we might just land among the stars.

3. Think bigger than yourself to understand the needs around you

Many people understand, while accomplishing their goals that there is more to life than just what is right in front of them. Jeff Bezos shares that right after his trip to space, he was inspired to commit $ 10 billion to fight climate change in the next decade.

Recently, he has taken a pledge to donate $2 billion to the cause of “restoring nature and transforming food systems.” We might not have billions to spend on a cause, but we can do what we surely can for a cause that we believe in. Whether it is replacing plastic bags with cloth bags or going green every small effort counts. It also gives us a new perspective to look beyond ourselves.

4. “Don’t let your circumstances define you.”

If you have seen this amazing case study on Jeff Bezos, you must have realized that he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He did not inherit a large, well-functioning business. Just like many of us, he was surrounded by many challenges. He was born to a 16-year-old mother and spent his summers working on his grandparents’ ranch during the summer.

Smooth roads never make good drivers. The challenges that come in our lives make us stronger, smarter and more experienced. If at any moment in your life, you feel like giving up on your dreams, read these quotes and draw the inspiration to fuel your dreams.

If you are an entrepreneur and are facing challenges in your business, you can take our online courses for entrepreneurs that are specially designed to provide practical solutions. You can take Problem Solving Courses which is a bundle of exclusive courses curated for specific business problems. To find out more about our courses, visit:

Business motivation

5 Important Things To Keep In Mind Before Buying Any Franchise

In today’s time, young entrepreneurs are taking more interest in starting their own startup business. Many entrepreneurs also consult the best business coaches in India to move forward with their business with the help of a business leader.

Though many entrepreneurs already have a business idea in their mind, only a few are willing to ​​start a venture right from scratch. This is why a franchise business is considered the best way to start your startup business.

A franchise business provides a wonderful opportunity to build a business. However, there are also some important questions that an entrepreneur must seriously consider before buying any franchise business that will save them from any unfortunate events and losses in the future. In this article, we are going to tell you about those questions in detail.

1. Conduct a background check

There are two things behind a successful startup business-

  1. A good business strategy and the best business model behind it.
  2. Good leadership plays an important role in making a business successful.

Whenever you think of taking a franchise, you should research its founder, its business model, and also the reasons why taking a franchise of a particular business will be beneficial for you. Conducting background research will also help you to resolve all your queries and help you to make an informed decision. You can also get help from a business coach in India to navigate through all the possibilities.

2. Evaluate the franchise cost

You may have a good budget for starting a franchise business, but before you choose to invest its cost you should evaluate it. When you plan to buy a franchise of a business or a brand, compare it with the market price of other brands to get its actual evaluation. If you become a part of any franchise business without knowing its value in the market, then you may have to bear the loss in the business shortly.

3. Check the financial stability of the company

Whether it is an individual or an organization, the only way to emerge from any crisis is to be financially strong. Before starting any franchise business in India, you should also get information about the financial strength of the company.  It is important to do a fundamental analysis to figure out if something happens in the market, will this company manage to come out of the crisis? Can it overcome any financial crisis? You should ask the founder these questions before making any decision

4. Find out the number of outlets & their success rate

Do you know how many outlets of the franchise you are deciding to purchase exist in the country? Also, how much is its success rate compared to the rest of the franchise of other brands? Whenever you think of buying any brand’s franchise, you should also ask those two questions. The success rate of the franchise will directly affect the franchise you run, so you should know where the company you choose stands in the industry.

5. Know the support system of the organization

The most important thing when considering a franchise for any business is to consider how much support the brand you choose provides you. Will it provide you with the required business training? Will you get to learn important business tips as well as other nuances that are crucial to attaining success? Does your franchise brand help you choose good staff along with a good location? Ask these questions before choosing a franchise business in India.

A franchise business is probably the only business that helps you to setup your own business without having to start it from scratch. The initial hustle is less. But it is important that before choosing any brand, you should check these five things to help you make a good decision.

Are you looking to find solutions to your burning problems? Get practical solutions easily with our step-by-step learning strategies, action plan, and frameworks that are designed to empower you with various business functions. From finance to HR, and digital marketing to IT & Sales, find creative solutions to prominent business challenges through our problem solving courses. Click here to find out how these courses will benefit you:


4 Quick Ways To Speed-Up Your Business Website & Grow Visitors

Summary: Your consumers experience your products through your business website. Make sure they have an amazing one!

When it comes to web browsing, we want everything fast. From a business website to product images, anything that takes more than 5 seconds seems like an eternity. Many customers leave a website page that takes a long time to download even though they love the product

Even Google considers a site`s speed when it crawls your webpage. According to one report by Google, “the chances of people abandoning a business website grow by 32% when the page load time increases from one to three seconds.”

In another study, users who are dissatisfied with the site’s performance say they won`t return to the site again. It simply means that having an unresponsive website can result in you losing customers, and it is time to do something about it.

If you have an e-commerce startup business and are wondering why your sale is not growing, here are some tips that will help you to speed up your website and make it more responsive:

1. Pick Faster Web Host

The speed of your web host plays a crucial role when you create a website. While many entrepreneurs choose the cheapest available option, this typically comes at the expense of their site`s download speed. If your website is slow and takes time to download the images of the products, your customers might get annoyed and might leave.

Hence, consider switching to a better and faster host. Before selecting a host, you can Google their reviews to find out what their customers have to say about them. You can take our Problem Solving Courses and learn everything about business websites and marketing.

2. Pick a Theme that is fast & Responsive

To build a fast website, you should use a lightweight theme for your website. A lighter website theme will download quickly for your visitors when they will your website. Themes that are poorly coded are often heavier and take a longer time to load, particularly on mobile devices.

Most businesses are focusing to build a mobile-friendly website. Why? Because the majority of users access the internet through smartphones. So, you should choose a mobile-friendly, light theme that is responsive and downloads quickly as your first choice.

3. Upload & Stream Videos Directly from YouTube

Large files uploaded on the website tend to slow the speed down. Rather than uploading your videos to the web host directly, try uploading them onto YouTube.  You can then simply embed the link on your website. Your visitors can stream your videos directly from YouTube. This will help you to reduce the load time for your website.

4. Use Plugins Smartly

Many plugins can help to make your business website truly amazing. However, it is suggested that you use them sparingly. Where some plugins will provide a unique experience to your customers, too many will slow it down.

A website is a gateway that brings customers to your products and services. Hence, building a website that is faster, responsive, and mobile-friendly is the need of the hour. By applying the quick ways mentioned above, you can create a website for your e-commerce business that will attract more visitors and help you to grow sales.

You can easily boost your sales with the right guidance from a business expert. Learn to generate high revenue earning products for sales; generate payment links for customers, manage account-related details. Solve your problems in just one click:


5 Reasons Behind The Success Of Amazon!

Summary: From a book-selling website to becoming a household name for almost everything, Amazon has come a long way. Ever wondered what made it so successful?

Surely, it wasn’t just luck. Amazon was first established in 1995 as a simple book-selling website. Within a month of opening, it had already shipped its products to 40 countries. Over the following years, the brand kept on evolving and flourishing, becoming a brand that is known as one of the most respected, largest, and most powerful companies in the world.

Over the last decade, the company has transformed in various ways to increase its reach, customer base, and product range. Whether you need a pen, a book, a refrigerator, a tv, or a smartphone, we know we can get everything on Amazon, right?

So what makes Amazon so successful? Some key reasons make Jeff Bezos`s company a flourishing venture:

1. They are more adaptive to Innovative Technology

The major contributor to Amazon`s success is its ability to innovate continuously. It didn’t wait for someone else to create its business model. Rather, they kept on experimenting with new technologies and happily embraced modern practices. For instance with their impressive voice command device- the Echo, Amazon created a moment of disruption. The echo can be used to play songs, control Bluetooth devices, enquire about the weather, set alarms, and also make calls. You can check out the case study of Amazon`s CEO- Jeff Bezos, here.

2. A Diverse Range of Products & Categories

Starting as a website to sell books, Amazon, later on, diversified its products range and added more categories for the convenience of its target consumers. This diversification has helped them to be the-go-to for a large number of consumers. From groceries to Amazon wallets, most customers know you can buy just about anything by going to Amazon`s site or mobile app.

In any business, diversification is necessary for the scalability of the business. The more you diversify the services and products you provide to your customers, the more likely it is that your business will grow. If you are looking to scale your business, this video will help you.

3. Excellent Customer Service

One of the strongest pillars of Amazon`s success is its exceptional customer service. From tracking orders to returning items, the site is well equipped to meet the demands of its customers. Having a winning customer service team is essential for any business and Amazon has built a reputation for superior customer service in multiple ways. It handles all the queries impressively. It offers round-the-clock assistance. It has played its strategy well by partnering with many competitors, like Kohl’s to offer in-person returns of products.

They engage in conversations with their customers and this is one of the major reasons why customers keep coming back to Amazon.

4. They Utilize Collected Data & Learn

Most often companies collect data but fail to take the appropriate step. Unlike others, Amazon gathers its data from sales, affiliate marketing, social media campaigns, and many other touch-points to make vital decisions and build strategies. The company recognizes what its customers want, so they work on it and up their game plan to reach that target section.

Companies, that can learn from their customers and resolve the challenges they are facing, always stand out. To learn more, you can take our problem solving courses and gain in-depth knowledge.

5. A Winning Attitude

Back in 1997, Bezos told Inc. Magazine that Amazon will remain unprofitable for a long time before they would see a return. His progressive mindset kept the company pushing through various strategies until 2003. In 2003 the company posted its first profit. Amazon has grown up from a little online bookstore to an e-commerce giant. Amazon created the industry for total domination.

If you too want to scale your e-commerce business, these points will help you. All you have to figure out is how you can integrate these strategies into your business. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you.

This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.