
Increase Your Productivity At Work With These 7 Time Management Tips That Work!

Summary: Time management is necessary to achieve goals and success in personal and professional life.

Time is precious. Time is money. And one of the most important skills you can have in your life is powerful and effective time management. If you are unable to manage your time well, there is no way you are going to achieve your goals within and outside the workplace.

You will make progress for sure. But your time management will be an uphill battle if you waste and don’t manage your time seriously.  No matter your gender, age, religion, income, race, or religion, you only get 24 hours to work for your dream. From a student to an entrepreneur, a business owner to a business coach, a minister to a housewife, each person gets the same amount of time.

So, what is that one factor that makes all the difference? It’s Time Management. It is not how much time you have, but how effectively you manage it. You can also watch some of the best time management techniques, right here:

If you are serious about achieving your goals, you not only need to set your goals the right way but also learn time-management tactics. Here are 7 time management tips that will help you to achieve your goals:

1. Set Your Goals the Right Way

Very few people understand that there is a wrong way of setting a goal and there is a right way of doing it. If you don’t follow the right way, then you will miss the targets. This could result in derailing you from the track. On the contrary, when you set goals the right way, the sky’s the limit. You can use the SMART goal-setting method that can help you set long-term and short-term goals. Always ensure that you have powerful deep down meanings for wanting to achieve them.

2. Follow a Good Management System

One of the most effective methods for managing your time is to find the right system to do it. The quadrant time-management system is an effective way to start your day. The quadrant time-management system divides your activities into four quadrants based on two parameters- urgency and importance.

Things are either urgent or important, both or neither. Activities in quadrant 4 are the ones that you want to stay away from.

3. Spend Your Mornings with MIT’s

Mark Twain once said, “If it is your job to eat a frog, it is best to do it first thing in the morning. And if you have to eat two frogs, it is best to eat the biggest one first.” What he is trying to imply is to tackle your biggest tasks in the morning. These are your most important tasks (MITs) of the day. Accomplishing those tasks will boost your morale and give you the momentum to help you sail through the rest of the day. You can learn effective time management skills with our problem solving course on Time Management.

4. Follow the 80-20 Rule

Pareto Principle is another great management rule that states that 80% of the result comes from 20% of the efforts. In sales, it means that 80% of the sales come from 20 percent of the customers. All you have to do is to identify 20 percent of the efforts that produce 80 percent of the results and focus on that.

5. Bring Keystone Habits Into Life

In his bestselling book- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhig coined the term ‘keystone habit.’ The keystone is the stone that holds all other stones in place. It encourages you to cultivate other good habits and also to eliminate bad habits as well. Focus on keystone habits and you’ll get much better at managing your overall time by making your habit development much easier.

6. Keep Distractions at Bay

It is very easy to get distracted by incoming messages and other notifications throughout our day. Hence, schedule time to read and respond to those notifications. If there is something urgent, the person will call or text you.

7. 52 Minutes Work, 17 Minutes Break

According to research, one should work for 52 minutes straight and then take a compulsory 17 minutes break. It sharpens your focus and increases your productivity. Whether you are a student or an entrepreneur, it is important to take breaks in the middle of work. Keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels by breaking frequently.

Balance is the key to leading a great life. If you lack balance in your life, you are going to feel stressed out. Even if you’re able to effectively juggle your responsibilities, without proper balance you’re going to eventually reach your breaking point. Hence, it is important to learn to manage those 24 hours effectively.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Process & Business Expansion

5 Management Tips That Will Make Entrepreneurs Highly Productive!

Summary: Being able to launch, execute, grow and scale a startup business is an intellectual exercise that involves a lot of backstage activities and incredible time management.

Entrepreneurship is a state of mind that demands many personal and professional traits. Scaling a business is an intellectual exercise that involves networking, planning, research, marketing, sales, business strategy, and several related activities.

As a result, entrepreneurs have to juggle multiple tasks like attending events, meeting investors, taking care of business operations, hopping on calls and being extra careful with every decision for their business endeavor. All this can lead to a critical state of burnout- a situation of complete mental and physical exhaustion.

Experienced freelancers, business coaches, entrepreneurs, and successful business owners manage to finish their tasks on time because of their perfect time management skills. Time management techniques and strategies help them to prioritize their important tasks on a daily basis.

Time management is a process of organizing; planning and strategically controlling the time you spend on specific tasks. When done effectively, it enables you to get more work done in less time.

Here are the top 5 time management tips for entrepreneurs to increase their peak performance and productivity:

1. Find Your Golden Time

Are you an early bird, a night owl, or somewhere in between? Do you know during what time of the day you feel you are most productive? Time management is not just about managing 24 hours a day. It is also about understanding how and when you function best. You can schedule your most important tasks according to your productive window of time and set up your day in harmony.

2. Use Covey Time Management Matrix

Created by the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People- Steven Covey, this time management model is quite effective and used by many business coaches across the world. This model is based on four simple quadrants:

  1.   Urgent and important tasks
  2.   Not urgent, but important tasks
  3.   Urgent but no important tasks
  4.   Not urgent and not important tasks

Divide all your tasks into the above-mentioned four quadrants. Manage things in quadrant one first, followed by the second, third, and so on. Prioritizing your tasks this way can be extremely helpful if you are juggling multiple things at the same time. You can also watch some of the best time management techniques, right here:

3. Plan Your Days or Weeks in Advance

Planning out your days for the week ahead is a brilliant way to organize your time efficiently. You can keep a diary or use a calendar app and write down the tasks with high priority. You can start with tasks that have upcoming deadlines, followed by less urgent tasks. Also, don’t forget to squeeze in your breaks and buffers to keep you focused and refreshed.

4. Focus on One Thing!

If there is one myth that needs to be busted across the globe, it has to be the concept of MULTITASKING. Yes! A human brain can only handle doing one thing at a time. So, if you try to do more than one thing, you will end up constantly switching your focus and taking even more time to complete both tasks.

Hence, focus your attention on one task at a time and stay on course till you finish it. Once it is finished you can move on to the next task.

5. Remove Distractions

Many times we start doing one task and our phone beeps! Instead of ignoring it, most of us check the screen and then forget about the task that we were doing. Even if a deadline is looming, we would try hard to finish one task, but it just does not happen.

So the first step that you should take towards managing your time efficiently is to remove distractions. Figure out what distracts you the most. Is it employees chattering around you or the notifications coming on your phone? Once you find out your triggers, you can take action to eradicate them.

From turning your internet off to putting your phone on airplane mode, chances are that you already know how to help yourself drown out background noise to focus on only what is important.

Also, don`t forget to take a rest even when you have countless things to do. It is very easy to let your business take over your entire life, but you also need to take care of yourself. If you let your physical and mental health slide, you won’t be able to perform your best.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about these courses, visit:


5 Time Management Strategies For Business Growth

Summary: You don`t need to work for ten hours to accomplish your goals. You can work less and grow your business with these three principles.

Time management is something most entrepreneurs and business owners struggle with. We all keep on looking for ways that can help us to achieve more in less time.

Though time is a limited commodity, if you invest in it smartly, your life will be transformed irrespective of your age, religion, caste, creed, occupation, and gender. So if you are serious about achieving your goals, you should find good time management and work on it.

Many people work for 20-22 hours and still complain that most of their tasks are not completed. But, if you take care of your tasks completed, you can finish them on time.

Here are 5 principles that will help you to manage time constructively:

1. Set Your Mindset

“Simple scales, complexity fails.”- Steve Jobs

Everything begins in your mind. Many of us often believe that more growth means more work and a lot of us simply don`t think that it is possible to have more free time and scale up our startup business. However, to bring significant changes in our life, we need to make changes consciously.

Entrepreneurs often feel that they need to find more people and processes if they want to get work done and save time too. But if you add more elements to your business, even to save labor, you will end up adding more complexity. Hence, find more creative ways to remove tasks from your day, not add them.

2. Prioritize tasks that Yield High Results

Once you read this, you might think that it is the most logical thing to do. But ask yourself, if it is so obvious, why we don`t do it? If you take an audit of your daily tasks, you might realize that your day is packed with tasks that are not giving you results.

So, sort out your daily tasks and make a list. Whether it is answering your phone calls or taking team meetings, producing reports, or answering emails, list out every task. Most of the tasks that yield fewer results take most of your time and money.

According to the time management Pareto Principle- 80% of your results are coming from 20% of your work. All the other tasks are just wasting your time. This can also be implemented on your client base too. 80% of the company`s revenue is coming from 20% of your clients.

So to deal with this you can make a list of those tasks that yield more results. You can also consult with a business coach as well to understand the dynamics of time management. You can also watch some of the best time management techniques, right here:

3. Spend Mornings at MIT’s

Mark Twain once said, “if it is your job to eat a frog, it is best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it is your job to eat 2 frogs, it is best to eat the biggest one”. His point? Tackle the most important tasks in the morning that needs your complete focus and creativity. Accomplishing these tasks will give you a sense of achievement.

4. Prepare to-do lists in advance for the next day

Make a list for the next day every single evening before hitting the bed. Writing down all the activities in your list gives you time to plan for your day in advance. It helps you prioritize your tasks and finish them on time.

Time management is a must-have skill for every entrepreneur as it brings a harmonious balance between work and personal life. Where carrying out daily tasks successfully ensures a bright future, maintaining a personal life is also vital for well-being.

5. Do Deep Work

Coined by Cal Newport ‘Deep Work states that activities that require 100% focus and energy must be completed first in a state of distraction-free concentration that your cognitive capabilities to their limit. With this technique, you produce work with exceptional quality and value. This technique of time management strategy can also help you to improve your skills and do things that are hard to replicate.

The above-mentioned time management tips can boost your productivity. Apply these in your daily life and you can achieve more by doing less. Finishing your tasks on time will not only help you accomplish your long-term goals but also instill a sense of achievement that will keep you motivated.

If you are an entrepreneur and looking for professional guidance and expertise to grow your startup business you can take Business Coaching Program. To learn more about our business courses, visit