
5 Ways To Convert Failure Into Success!

Ask any successful person about their journey, and you will know that they too had their share of failures. Failure is a part of life, and especially an inevitable aspect of a business. But failure is not permanent unless you give it the POWER it seeks.

A successful person is not someone who has never tasted failure. A successful person learns from his failure and turns it into success.

How much you learn from your failure determines how far you will go in creating success. And if we seek to grow both personally and professionally, we must pursue desired ends. We have to step out of our comfort zones and challenge ourselves with the goals we set. However, turning your failure into success is the real process.

Here are 5 simple, yet surprisingly powerful ways to turn every failure into success:

1. Set Realistic Goals

First, sit down and visualize yourself. What exactly do you want to be? Do you want to be an Entrepreneur? Or, do you simply want to get a job in the field you love? Which career path or personal goals do you have?

Many aspiring people set too many goals even before they begin, and set their foot on the path of disappointment and failure. Don`t do that! It will only give you a series of setbacks.

The key to setting realistic goals is that you meet them, where you are currently in your personal and professional life.

You can either write them down in your journal or create a vision board. You can also take help from some of the best motivational speakers in India to seek guidance.

2. Prepare to fail & Learn from your Mistakes

To err is human, and to learn from those errors is becoming a ‘Super Human’. And, no we are not kidding at all! Every human being makes mistakes on an unknown journey. Identifying your mistakes and learning from them quickly is what determines your personal and professional growth.

Many successful people have experienced some kind of failure. Most of the great inventions like the X-Ray machine, Microwave Oven, Penicillin, and super yummy chocolate chip cookies happened entirely due to mistakes.

But not every mistake will be as sweet as choco-chip cookies. This is why understanding your mistakes and learning your lesson increases your growth potential.

3. Celebrate; not just your success, but also your Failures

We all know that smooth roads have never made good drivers. And failures are those pin-head turns that send chills down the spine of every driver. But fearing those turns will never help you to succeed. Why? Inaction puts everything at risk.

It is far better to perform a task imperfectly than to do nothing at all. When we do nothing and let the fear of failure overpower us, we do not make any progress- professionally as well as personally. And that is the shortest route to FAILURE.

Hence, keep taking calculated risks. If you fail, shrug off the clouds of dust, get over it, and try again! That will take you on the road to guaranteed success. Meet motivational speakers in India like Dr. Vivek Bindra to understand the mantra of success.

Dr. Vivek Bindra is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and business coach. He explains the nuances of business and life in an uncomplicated manner. You can watch him explain how you can convert failure into success,here.

4. List out the reasons you failed!

Just like the doctor can’t diagnose the disease without conducting a few tests, we too can’t learn from our mistakes, unless we know the reasons. Sometimes, the reasons could be so small that you might not even have noticed them.

But when we analyze our mistakes and the factors that contributed to them, we understand the reasons behind the failure in a clearer way.

Also, some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from the mistakes we have done in the past!

5. Talk to yourself nicely, because you are listening

According to Forbes, people who tend to fall short of their goals, turn on themselves. They straightway direct the frustration over their failure towards a self-destructive negative mindset.

It is one of the most common patterns that people follow. They engage in negative self-talk. However, it is the single most destructive pattern that results in berating themselves. Negative self-talk can be incredibly damaging, especially when you have encountered a bump of failure.

Do not let failure allow you to get indulged in self-pity. A failure might sting for a moment, but it too will pass. Staying positive during averse times is the real key to the door to success.

If you are in a season of failure and setbacks, you must know that you are not alone. Also, your current situation will not remain the same forever. Know that with the right mentorship from the motivational speaker, you can turn things around. Under the guidance of Dr. Vivek Bindra, you can achieve your goals and come out even stronger.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:


How To Achieve & Set S.M.A.R.T Goals?

Goals are essential for professional as well as personal life. Without concrete plans, you are essentially shooting in the dark. You are putting in effort without having a goal and destination in mind. And with December looming just around the corner, the year 2022 is at its end. It is that time when business leaders must examine how productively they have spent their time to identify the situations where improvements can be made on both personal and professional fronts.

It is also the time to set new goals and define a blueprint for the forthcoming campaign of your life and implement a plan to accomplish a better version of yourself. S.M.A.R.T goals can help you to focus and re-evaluate goals as needed.

So what are S.M.A.R.T goals and how can you set them?

S.M.A.R.T = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

These five aspects together create S.M.A.R.T goals.  A goal that has a specific purpose, can be measured, is realistic to achieve, relevant, and can be attained within a time frame is a SMART goal. Without all aspects, you might be goal-setting, but not effectively creating a plan for success.

You can also learn from Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker in India how to set goals and achieve them in this video: 

Let’s take a closer look at the five elements of S.M.A.R.T. goals:


A goal that is easy to understand can be attained. For instance, it could be a sales number or a product roll-out goal. No matter what the goal is, it should be clearly articulated so that everyone is on the same page with the objective. Define the outcome and the steps that need to be taken to accomplish the goal.


Your goals need to have a quantifiable objective so that you can track progress. Define what will be the factors that will be used to measure the goal and set a method for tracking the progress.


Setting big goals is good. But they need to be realistic as well to maintain the momentum to try to achieve them. Also, you may want to break big goals into smaller, bite-sized chunks. If the goal is not doable, you will have to look for resources that will make your journey to achieve goals easier.


Goals should be relevant i.e. they should be aligned with the mission of the company. One way to find out if your goal is relevant is to figure out what are the benefits of these goals.


A goal without a deadline is just mundane work. Goals should have a deadline. And unless you set a final date, you can’t identify the success or failure of your goals.

As a business owner, evaluate these key facets of your life when creating goals this year:

1. Professional Life

Before setting goals, evaluate your professional life from various angles. How can you make the company better? What more can be done to upskill your employees or colleagues? Spend time reflecting on your past year’s achievements and lessons that you have learned during the course. See how you can improve in the year ahead.

You can also hire a business coach to look for new approaches to grow your business. Strive to implement new strategies that will allow you to overcome existing challenges.

2. Personal Life

When reviewing your personal goals, you may want to look at relationships with family, friends, clients, customers, colleagues, and employees. Find where you need to make adjustments to become the best version of yourself for them. Focus on the main components of your life, such as health, finances, and growth.

Benefits of S.M.A.R.T Goals

There are a lot of benefits to setting S.M.A.R.T goals. Some of them are given below:

i). It helps you to set an objective.

ii). It motivates you to succeed.

iii). It will force you to step out of your comfort zone.

Managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Process & Business Expansion

3 Effective Tips For Entrepreneurs To Overcome Burnout

Summary: Whether you are passionate about the thing you are doing or not, there comes a moment when we all experience burnout.

Finding something that you love doing and are passionate about and turning it into a full-time career is not an easy task. Even if you end up choosing one and choose to spend your entire life pursuing it, it does not mean you will never experience burnout. Once the excitement and newness of the job paves way for the monotony and pressure to get the job done and achieve your targets, burnout begins to appear.

Burnout in careers is a real issue, especially in this world where the competition is rough and our society keeps pushing people on the go with minimal rest. Due to the constant frenzy of completing tasks, many people are feeling the effects of long-term burnout.

Dr. Vivek Bindra, founder, and CEO of Bada Business Pvt Ltd is also a world-renowned business coach and guides more than 500 corporates in India to keep their employees motivated by achieving work-life balance.

Here are three powerful tips that might appear simple on the surface, but are super-effective if practiced daily:

1. Money is Not the Master Key for Every Door

People today often are a part of a rat race because they have lost their sense of individuality. Their goals are influenced by others and they want to achieve what their peers are trying to achieve, which is more often than not- MONEY! However, contrary to what our society wants to make us believe, money doesn’t resolve all the issues in our lives. No doubt that it makes life more comfortable, but there is more to life than what we buy and own.

In a bid to make a certain amount of money to give your family a comfortable life, you may be sacrificing your time with them. Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting to work hard, but being an entrepreneur one must know that something is going to slip through the cracks, and sacrifices have to be made. The good news is that there are ways to be able to do both.

2. Create Boundaries

The doors of opportunities are not easy to find in our fast-paced society. For entrepreneurs who are on a constant lookout for opportunities to scale their business or people who want to climb corporate ladders in less time, it may be hard to say “no.” Hence, boundaries are necessary to achieve balance. If there is stress in your life, then you have created stress and not the business. If you have stress in your relationship, it is because of a lack of boundaries.

Life is more enjoyable when you learn to say “no” to the things that don’t excite you or help you achieve your innermost goals. You can also work with a business motivational speaker to learn how to create boundaries and focus on the things that matter the most.

3. Give Equal Importance to your Relationships

Many people start their journeys to make money and create wealth so that their families can lead comfortable lives. In their pursuit, they sacrifice their precious time with their family. Hence, while it is good to work hard towards achieving your goals in life, one should not take their family and friends for granted. Relationships are not binding chains. They are like rocket fuel. And to lead a balanced lifestyle, leaning on one another can help us grow.

These three tips might look simple, but definitely will leave a positive impact on your mental and physical well-being. So follow these tips and Dr. Vivek Bindra, who is the best motivational speaker in India.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about our course, visit:


5 Key Components To Establish Powerful Performance Management At The Workplace

Summary: Performance management is an essential process to review the hard work and efforts of your employees. So how can you make it more effective and transparent?

Every business aims to make sales, generate revenues and bring in profits. Revenues and sales are made by employees that work in the company. Employees bring customers, and clients stay loyal because of your human capital.

Since so much is dependent on your employees, companies need to ask themselves how they can make their employees satisfied, valued, and happy in their workplace. Evaluating the performance of your employees is the first and most important system that you have to develop in your organization. Every lead or supervisor must be well-trained in how to evaluate the team. You can also consult with a business coach to establish effective performance management.

Many performance management models with different working models have been tested and implemented across organizations worldwide. But truly effective performance management consists of the following essential features:

  1.     Creates a clear picture.
  2.     It is a continuous process of communication.
  3.     It consists of evaluation with feedback.
  4.     It aims to motivate employees who are not performing much.

However, after COVID the work culture has undergone a huge transformation. And one of the most prominent changes is the global imposition of remote work. So how can you ensure to have performance management which is best suited to your organizational goals?

Here are 5 key components of a performance management system designed to ensure productivity in a remote workplace:

1. Revaluate Goals & KPIs

Due to the changed workplace scenario that the current global economy faces, role workloads have differed considerably, with not all equal roles having equal workloads. Thus, KPI and role should be realigned to save costs while extending support to cross-functional processes.

2. Implement Objective & Key Results Methodology

To set, communicate and track organizational goals, management can implement one of the most popular methodologies- “objective and key results”. As this is an overall approach toward goals and employee performance at various organizational levels, it can help incorporate accountability and quantitative proximity of realizable goals.

3. Set SMART Goals

With the remote work paradigm, goal-setting has become even more critical in the current economic climate. Poorly defined goals can become a cause of bad performance and future worries in a climate already marred by global crises and constant disruption.

Hence, the goals defined by the organization must be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

4. Keep in Touch With Employees

Today when companies lay off their employees in huge numbers evoke fear within employees when it comes to their performance. Hence, management needs to understand the significance of maintaining regular contact with employees and keeping them updated on all relevant levels. Encourage them to share about their work, lives, goals, etc.

5. Place your Trust in Employees

It is important to trust your employees and subordinates and give them the privilege of clear communication, especially regarding personal matters. Whether working on-site or remotely, many aspects of human lives are unclear. Hence, having faith while everyone is struggling is a key success factor on all levels. As the remote working culture is prevalent, there may be a few employees who are unable to meet the deadlines. Assuming such employees are not being productive is a serious error of judgment.

Performance management and open feedback systems have become a core part of both our corporate and personal lives. In the end, open and transparent communication is the key to a robust and impactful performance management system, no matter what your physical location is.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our business coaching program, visit:


Increase Your Productivity At Work With These 7 Time Management Tips That Work!

Summary: Time management is necessary to achieve goals and success in personal and professional life.

Time is precious. Time is money. And one of the most important skills you can have in your life is powerful and effective time management. If you are unable to manage your time well, there is no way you are going to achieve your goals within and outside the workplace.

You will make progress for sure. But your time management will be an uphill battle if you waste and don’t manage your time seriously.  No matter your gender, age, religion, income, race, or religion, you only get 24 hours to work for your dream. From a student to an entrepreneur, a business owner to a business coach, a minister to a housewife, each person gets the same amount of time.

So, what is that one factor that makes all the difference? It’s Time Management. It is not how much time you have, but how effectively you manage it. You can also watch some of the best time management techniques, right here:

If you are serious about achieving your goals, you not only need to set your goals the right way but also learn time-management tactics. Here are 7 time management tips that will help you to achieve your goals:

1. Set Your Goals the Right Way

Very few people understand that there is a wrong way of setting a goal and there is a right way of doing it. If you don’t follow the right way, then you will miss the targets. This could result in derailing you from the track. On the contrary, when you set goals the right way, the sky’s the limit. You can use the SMART goal-setting method that can help you set long-term and short-term goals. Always ensure that you have powerful deep down meanings for wanting to achieve them.

2. Follow a Good Management System

One of the most effective methods for managing your time is to find the right system to do it. The quadrant time-management system is an effective way to start your day. The quadrant time-management system divides your activities into four quadrants based on two parameters- urgency and importance.

Things are either urgent or important, both or neither. Activities in quadrant 4 are the ones that you want to stay away from.

3. Spend Your Mornings with MIT’s

Mark Twain once said, “If it is your job to eat a frog, it is best to do it first thing in the morning. And if you have to eat two frogs, it is best to eat the biggest one first.” What he is trying to imply is to tackle your biggest tasks in the morning. These are your most important tasks (MITs) of the day. Accomplishing those tasks will boost your morale and give you the momentum to help you sail through the rest of the day. You can learn effective time management skills with our problem solving course on Time Management.

4. Follow the 80-20 Rule

Pareto Principle is another great management rule that states that 80% of the result comes from 20% of the efforts. In sales, it means that 80% of the sales come from 20 percent of the customers. All you have to do is to identify 20 percent of the efforts that produce 80 percent of the results and focus on that.

5. Bring Keystone Habits Into Life

In his bestselling book- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhig coined the term ‘keystone habit.’ The keystone is the stone that holds all other stones in place. It encourages you to cultivate other good habits and also to eliminate bad habits as well. Focus on keystone habits and you’ll get much better at managing your overall time by making your habit development much easier.

6. Keep Distractions at Bay

It is very easy to get distracted by incoming messages and other notifications throughout our day. Hence, schedule time to read and respond to those notifications. If there is something urgent, the person will call or text you.

7. 52 Minutes Work, 17 Minutes Break

According to research, one should work for 52 minutes straight and then take a compulsory 17 minutes break. It sharpens your focus and increases your productivity. Whether you are a student or an entrepreneur, it is important to take breaks in the middle of work. Keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels by breaking frequently.

Balance is the key to leading a great life. If you lack balance in your life, you are going to feel stressed out. Even if you’re able to effectively juggle your responsibilities, without proper balance you’re going to eventually reach your breaking point. Hence, it is important to learn to manage those 24 hours effectively.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


17 Powerful Quotes By Swami Vivekananda To Fuel Your Passion

Summary: Swami Vivekananda was considered one of the greatest spiritual leaders in India. Here are some of the most inspiring quotes that will motivate you to achieve your goals.

Born on January 12, 1863, as Narendranath Datta, Swami Vivekananda hailed from an affluent aristocratic Bengali family who in his short life achieved the height of greatness. Vivekananda was a man with a great spiritual presence and tremendous intellect. He was a tireless teacher and writer. He wrote poems and hymns in Bengali, English, and Sanskrit, some of which are sung daily in Vedanta centers worldwide. He was ahead of his time in encouraging women and Westerners to not only practice Vedanta but to be leaders as well.

He played a significant role in introducing and spreading the awareness of the Indian Vedanta and philosophies of Yoga to the western world. His efforts put India on the world’s spiritual map. It was Swami Vivekananda’s 1893 speech at the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago that changed the dimensions of Hinduism and redefined the way the world looked at India.

On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, here are 17 quotes from Swami Vivekananda that may inspire you to change the way you look at life:

1.  “Arise, awake, and don’t stop until the goal is reached.”

2.   “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your soul.”

3. “The greatest sin is to think you are weak.”

4. “The greatest religion is to be true to your nature. Have faith in yourselves.”

5. “Talk to yourself once a day, otherwise you may miss meeting an intelligent person in this world.”

6. “We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.”

7. “Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.”

8. “The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful.”

9.  “Dare to be free, dare to go as far as your thought leads, and dare to carry that out in your life.”

10. “Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin, to say that you are weak, or others are weak.”

11. “In a day, when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are traveling on the wrong path.”

12.   “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced.”

13. “Do one thing at a time, and while doing it put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else.”

14.  All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of anyone. Stand up and express the divinity within you.”

15. “Strength is life, weakness is death. Expansion is life, contraction is death. Love is life, hatred is death.”

16. “Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.”

17. “The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.”

Whether you are a student or a business owner, we hope these quotes by the revered spiritual leader and a social reformist will inspire you to achieve your dreams.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our business courses and online programs, visit:


5 Leadership Lessons By M.S Dhoni For Success!

Mahendra Singh Dhoni is one of the most brilliant captains in Indian cricket history. An outstanding batsman, an excellent wicket-keeper, and a powerful leader- “the captain cool” is famous not only for his calm and composed demeanor, but also for his power-packed batting style. When Virat Kohli was selected to lead the national cricket team of India, he made it clear that replacing Dhoni was not an easy task because Dhoni has left a remarkable legacy as a captain.

He has developed an extraordinary reputation for being one of the greatest leaders that the game of cricket has ever seen. He has shown that leadership is not just about passing out orders, but a sheer willingness to make tough decisions and go out of the way to achieve your designated goals.

Not just an extraordinary captain and leader, Dhoni also swiped many awards and bagged several records including the most wins by an Indian captain in Tests and One Day Internationals.

India won the 2007 International Cricket Council (ICC) World Twenty20, the Commonwealth Bank Series of 2007–08, the 2010 Asia Cup, the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup, and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy under his captaincy.

His list of achievements is so long that we can write a book on that. But there is one amazing trait of our former Indian captain that deserves special mention is his leadership skills.

M.S. Dhoni has an arsenal of leadership skills that entrepreneurs can certainly apply both personally and professionally. Here are five incredible leadership traits that are a useful template for business captains too:

1. Stay Confident & Grounded

Confidence is the key to success and M.S Dhoni is the best example of that. Even though he comes from a very modest background, he never let that hold him back from achieving his dreams. On the field or off the field, Dhoni is always confident and forthright and often surprises his fans, audience, and media with his witty comments.

Staying true to yourself will not just take you aheadin the sporting world, but also in the corporate as well as the business world.

2. Stay Cool & Composed

M.S. Dhoni has earned the title of “Captain Cool” due to his calm and composed demeanor on the field even during nail-biting moments. Even when severely tested, he manages to not lose his temper which used to influence the entire team to resist caving in. He kept inspiring the team like the best motivational speaker to perform at par no matter what the situation is.

This is one of the most crucial leadership skills for entrepreneurs to keep calm and not give up when the situation is not in their favor.

3. Don’t Let Success Get Over Your Head

Dhoni received fame, name, and wealth at the very initial stage of his career. But he was and still is, humble and modest. He did not let the success get over his head while maintaining a steady path.

We often see that entrepreneurs who gain success too early often lose their focus and balance. They are unable to maintain the poise that is required for the business’s success in the long run.

4. Don’t Lose Focus

To remain focused on your goals amidst all the criticism is no child’s play. But Dhoni showcased his indomitable spirit of remaining focused on what is important during the Champions Trophy amidst the controversy that surrounded the Indian Premier League.

An ability to cut through the clutter, distraction, and negative energy is one of the best marks of a strong leader in every situation. If you want to become a powerful leader, you can hire one of the best leadership speakers in India– Dr. Vivek Bindra.

5. Handling Failure

Handling failure is as important as handling success. And no one has ever done it better than the former Indian captain M.S Dhoni himself. In the 2011 World Cup, Dhoni and his team were performing spectacularly but then suffered a string of losses. However, the captain cool fought back by showcasing a world-class game of cricket combined with his high spirits.

Ups and downs are part of an entrepreneurial journey. Businesses tend to suffer some degree of failure at some point or the other. But, if you want to be successful, you will have to have the courage and strength to bounce back without losing faith in your dreams.

Entrepreneurs should feel safe to experiment and fail if they need to. Managers must also come to terms with the fact that no organization or department can achieve its goals without its respective team members.

M.S Dhoni is known not only for his famous ‘helicopter shot’ and his excellent class of game but also for his unmatched leadership skills and team spirit. Young entrepreneurs can learn big lessons from him about how resilience and focus can help their businesses to grow.

To gain in-depth knowledge about building a startup from the scratch, join our Business Coaching Program. To know more, click here:


Meet IAS Officer Who Scored AIR 57 In UPSC While Working Full-Time With RBI

When Colin Powell said, “A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work”, many people did agree with him. Human beings love to dream about their career, ambitions, and a lot more other things that they aspire to achieve in their lives.

Okay, so coming back to reality, we live in a society where we like to get things done instantly! Instant food, instant replies, food or grocery delivery in under 10 minutes, instant emails, and instant results. We all are guilty of instant gratification. But truth to be told, every good thing takes time and the best and the most valuable thing in life come from working hard to achieve them. An IAS officer Yashni Nagarajan is the leading example of that.

Yashni Nagarajan cracked the UPSC exam and bagged the All India Rank 57 in 2019. Union Public Service Commission or UPSC as it is popularly known is one of the most prestigious and difficult administrative service examinations in India. Lakhs of students prepare for this exam for years, before appearing for it from all over the country. But only a few aspirants clear the examination which is followed by a face-to-face interview that is equally famous for their high level of difficulty.

Yashni Nagarajan cleared her exam in her fourth attempt while working full-time and the reason behind her success was her excellent time management skills. What are the factors that contributed to making her journey successful? Let’s find out:

1. Education & Family Support Played a Crucial Role

Most people underestimate the quality of education in central government schools; there are students like Yashni Nagarajan who prove them wrong. She completed her schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Naharlagun. She enrolled herself in the National Institute of Engineering, Yupia in 2014 and completed her B.Tech in EEE with flying colours.

Her father Thangavel Nagarajan is a retired state PWD engineer and her mother is a retired superintendent of the Itanagar branch at Gauhati High Court Registry. Both of them have been supported throughout her journey.

2. Worked Hard on Weekdays, Studied Harder on Weekends

Yashni believed that if you are working on weekdays, you will have to study on weekends. During her journey, Yashni used to study for 4 to 5 hours dedicatedly every day, while on weekends she used to study the whole day. Studying on weekends strengthens your preparation. And with the right time management skills, you can manage to take out 4-5 hours for studies every day.

3. Choose What You Excel At

Yashni cleared the UPSC exam on her fourth attempt. She failed in her first three attempts but took them as lessons of wisdom.  She shares that in her initial attempt, she chose Geography as an optional subject under the influence of other people. However, she changed the subject later on when noticed that she excel in another subject.

Yashni says that you should choose a subject of your choice so that you can read it with full interest. You will read about it and try to gain in-depth knowledge only if you like the subject. An optional subject plays an important role in the UPSC exam as it helps to score better marks.

4. One Piece of Advice for Other Aspirants

One important piece of advice that Yashni gives to all UPSC aspirants is that Essay and Ethics are two subjects in which they can score the highest. Therefore, it’s very important to give importance to these subjects. She says that though it is difficult to prepare for UPSC while having a full-time job, it is beneficial too! Along with gaining experience, you also master time-management skills. She says, “You will feel less stressed even if you don’t qualify UPSC. And because you already have a job, you don’t worry much about your career. You can become an IAS or IPS officer with hard work and better time management.”

So, if you want to enhance your learning, prepare for a competitive exam, or want to pursue that management course that you have been eyeing for a couple of months- go for it. The story of Yashni Nagarajan is full of inspiration and testimony that hard work, dedication, and excellent time management skills can help you achieve your professional and personal goals.

For more such stories, visit:


7 Unique Ways To Boost Customer Retention Effectively

Summary: The ultimate goal of any business is to attract customers and retain them.

The foundation of growth and success for every business is staying relevant to their customers, and companies always try to focus on this. Attracting customers is critical for any business. However, their ultimate goal is to get those customers to return and become regular buyers.

Attracting a customer is one thing, but ensuring that they keep returning and stay loyal to your product or service can be challenging. This may seem like a challenge, but some unique methods can be used to retain your customers even more effectively.

Through effective marketing and other actions as well, you can turn a first-time buyer into a loyal fan of your brand. You can also work along with a business coach who can guide you with his expertise to come up with unique ideas to increase customer loyalty.

Here are seven unique methods that you can use to retain your customers:

1. Keep Communications Transparent

Honesty, openness, and vulnerability- are the factors that hold a lot of significance to customers. They want to do business transactions or deal with brands that set realistic expectations and exceed them almost every time. In case they don`t, they take steps to make it better when that happens. Customers truly want to deal with businesses that are transparent about their humanness.

2. Focus on Building Relationships with Customers

Customer relationships are the foundation of customer retention. To build relationships with customers means investing time in understanding their needs, requirements, concerns, their experience with a product or service. A business coach with relevant industry experience can help you to build stronger relationships with your customers.

How you treat a customer before and after he or she purchases your product or service demonstrates who you are. It helps to strengthen your relationship with the customer.

3. Ensure Excellent Customer Experience

If you want to retain your customers, focusing on providing a high-quality customer experience, which translates to providing a service that far exceeds their expectations, can work in your company’s favor. To ensure you are giving your customers nothing but the best, give them quality service or products that are above and beyond their expectations.

4. Interact With Your Customers via Social Media

Today, your target customer is present on social media. Social media platforms have emerged as a boon for marketers and advertisers as they provide easy access and wider exposure to reach out to their consumers firsthand. So, why not engage with them?

Engaging with your customers online via social media is a great way to keep them engaged with your brand as well as remind them that you’re “there” to be of service.

5. Make Your Customers Trust You

People want to associate with a brand that is honest and has its customers’ best interests at heart. Keep your communications clear across all the platforms of your marketing touch-points. This means following all legal and generally accepted safety protocols. Keep a tab on public sentiment to understand what is working and what needs to be updated.

6. Lead with Compassion

Empathizing with your customers once they have purchased your product or service is a great way to solidify your relationship with consumers. Reach out to your existing users to hear how they’ve been affected. If you understand their concerns, you are well-equipped to solve their immediate needs.

7. Make Your Customer Feel Special

People remember how you make them feel. So make your customers feel valued, appreciated, and important. People crave connection, so make your customers feel valued, appreciated, and important by tapping into the good feeling that your product or service creates for customers. Invest the time to make it personal and create a customer environment that allows them to have a sense of belonging.

We often receive hundreds of emails from brands sending us a link to click on. But how many of us open those emails? Instead of trying to stay on top of mind by sending the same email that other companies are sending, send an email telling a story about your company and what you are up to.

Don’t sell. Don’t market. Just create a bond with your customers and lead with compassion.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

Come be a part of India`s most powerful business training Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra which will be held on 22, 23, and 24 July 2022. To know more about this event, visit .

Business motivation

5 Ways To Become Smarter At Managing Business Easily!

Summary: Learning is essential! Not just for students, but also for those who are treading on the path of entrepreneurship.

Many people believe entrepreneurship means doing a business. But that is not entirely true. Entrepreneurship is a journey that leads entrepreneurs to a place where they feel empowered to solve the problems of customers with their unique product ideas and creative solutions.

To continue this incredible cycle of coming up with solutions now and then, one has to do one thing- LEARN. To be successful not just in business, but also in personal life, one needs a nimble mind to think, understand, analyze and come up with a solution for the challenges. In short, if you are smart, you can succeed in life.

With practice, anyone can increase their knowledge base, sharpen their intellect and learn new skills. There are several ways through which you can work upon your cognitive skills and expand your mental capacity. You can watch this interactive video by the best motivational speaker in India- Dr. Vivek Bindra that will help you to decode the power of the mind :

Here are the five best ways to engage your mind and grow your intelligence that will help you to meet all your goals:

1. Read Everyday

If you have read our blog on the common habits of all the successful entrepreneurs in the world (Read Here), you must have noticed that all the leaders love to read.

Our mind is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it will get. Reading is an important element that helps to develop your mind. It helps you to discover new things and educate yourself on diverse topics. Words, both spoken and written, are the building blocks of our social existence. They provide a gateway through which you can go anywhere in the world.

2. Focus on Understanding More

True wisdom comes when you just don`t read, but also deeply understand a subject. The most successful business owners consistently outpace everyone else courtesy of their ability to learn new skills, adapt to changes, and work both as a team player and independently.

Start with the basics because knowledge is cumulative. Work consistently to steadily build a deep and meaningful knowledge base on key topics and issues. Be honest with yourself about areas you are weak in and seek to reinforce your understanding of important subjects until you have a rock-solid foundation that you can build on. The key to keep learning new things here is patience and persistence. You can also take help from a business motivational speaker or a business coach to gain in-depth knowledge related to your industry.

3. Stay Curious

Staying curious is the best way to discover and learn new things. Asking relevant questions is an essential factor in becoming smarter. It also increases the possibility of inventing new things. Imagine, we wouldn’t have known the concept of gravity if Newton was not curious about the apple falling on the ground.

Ask insightful questions that probe the validity of assumptions, analyze logic, explore the unknown, get to the heart of a matter and cultivate a willingness to push for answers. Don`t be afraid to seek clarification when something is not clear.

4. Bring Diversity to your Day

One of the best ways to sharpen your brain is to flex different areas of your brain. You are not going to get any smarter by repeating the same old thing every day. While having a routine is a great thing, staying stuck in it will not bring any fruitful results. By incorporating new things into your everyday life, you keep things fresh and interesting.

You can check out a new place for lunch, or go for a midday stroll in which you pay attention to the sights and sounds around you. You can also mix things up during working hours by simply finding new ways of doing your everyday tasks. If you will work with a business coach, you can learn new dimensions of business.

5. Keep Track of Your Ideas

When you build a knowledge base, you will find your mind expanding with new ideas. If you are filling your brain with great information, your mind will start interpreting that information in a new and useful way. You may feel great ideas coming your way. However, make sure that you are taking note of these ideas. Write them down, keep them handy and make sure you continue to refer back to them.

There are plenty of ways to boost your cognitive skills and expand your mental capacity. With practice, anyone can increase their knowledge base, sharpen their intellect and learn new skills. The more we learn and the more deeply we understand, the better we can improve our brain performance and increase our capacity to learn.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about this program, visit: