
7 Best Tips You Should Consider Before Investing In Mutual Funds

Summary: Mutual Funds are one of the most popular tools of investment in India. A collection of bonds, stocks, assets, and money market instruments come with many benefits.

Warren Buffett once said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” And when it comes to investment his words stand true. When you know how the market works, what kind of risk it involves, and know the essential tips and tricks of the same, you can become a good investor.

For beginners, Mutual Funds are the safest option to start investing in the market. Mutual Funds enable an investor with limited capital to make investments in various schemes like SIPs with as little as Rs. 100 or Rs. 500 to generate better earnings.

A mutual fund is an investment scheme made up of a pool of money collected from many investors to invest in various securities. The fund manager then uses these funds by investing them to purchase various securities including gold, stocks, bonds, etc. Each mutual fund will have a certain objective and different returns.

Before you decide to invest in mutual funds, follow these 7 tips that will help you to make a better decision in investing your money:

1. Read About Mutual Funds & Its Benefits

The new age investors believe in making passive income by making their idle money work for them. However, very few understand its true meaning and how to make the most of it. Many individuals are aware of the benefits that come along with investing in the stock market. But very few know that routing such investments through mutual funds would prove to be more effective.

Hence, you need to read as much as it is possible about Mutual Funds and how they work. What are the benefits and how you can reduce the risk that comes along with investments in just one asset category?

You can also take help from a wealth creator. He or she can help you in making investment decisions, just like a business coach helps you in taking critical decisions related to your business.

2. Learn about types of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are segregated into distinct categories by asset class. They are divided into stocks, bonds, and cash, and then furthermore based on their style, objective, or strategy. There are three types of Mutual Funds in India:

a). Equity: High on both risk and potential returns, these investment schemes are the favorite of seasoned traders. However, beginners and investors with a low appetite for risk are cautioned before investing in any equity-oriented Mutual Funds.

b). Debt Mutual Funds: If you are risk-averse but want great returns on your investment, debt mutual funds are suitable for you. These fund schemes mostly invest in debt instruments like government bonds, corporate bonds, etc.

c). Balanced Mutual Funds: Also known as hybrid funds, this type of investment put money both in stocks and bonds. Its diversified nature provides balance and a perfect blend of both risk and rewards in terms of investments.

3. Find Your Objective

Before you decide to invest in mutual funds, you must know your objective. For instance, you can invest in equity funds, if you have long-term financial goals, but if you have short-term or medium-term financial goals, you can invest in debt funds.

Hence, your first step should be to decide on a goal. The time frame you are looking for and the returns that you are expecting will help you choose a fund that is best suited to your objective.

4. Learn About the Risk Involved

When thinking about investing, it is essential to know that the risk factor remains constant no matter which investment scheme you pick. However, there are numerous options available to help investors find one scheme that matches their risk appetite and return on investments.

5. Check the Expense Ratio

For the proper management of your funds, a commission is charged which is known as the expense ratio. As an investor, you need to figure out how much expense ratio a particular fund is charging, as it is calculated across the investor`s total portfolio and will have a significant impact. Hence, always pick a mutual fund that comes with a lower expense ratio.

6. Check Taxable Income on Your Investment

How much income from a fund will be taxable is something every beginner must consider. The returns from equity mutual funds are taxed based on the holding period and the applicable tax rate. Mutual funds are often efficient in terms of post-tax returns. For instance, long-term capital gains are taxed at 10% over and above the exemption limit of INR 1 lakh while short-term capital gains are taxed at a rate of 15%.

7. Track Past Performance of the Mutual Fund

It is crucial to check the track record of a particular Mutual Fund scheme before investing. From the duration to ‘Assets Under Management (AUM), you must learn everything related to the investment scheme you are planning to put your money in. Also, check the investment style of the fund manager and opt for a fund where the manager shows consistency irrespective of the market cycle.

Mutual funds are subject to market risk, which is why doing a fundamental analysis of a particular investment scheme becomes paramount. But, do know that no matter how good a fund has performed in the past, it won’t guarantee that the mutual fund will do well in the future. Keep these tips in mind before investing your money in a mutual fund.

LFP Plus by Dr Vivek Bindra

Business motivation

5 Low-Investment Business Ideas For Small Towns & Cities In India

With 70% of the Indian population residing in tier II, tier III cities and small towns, small business ideas in these regions are the need of the hour. This also offers multiple opportunities for new-age entrepreneurs. The government is also promoting the idea of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, which encourages the young guns of India to take a risk and become assertive in their approach.

Most of the businesses in these areas are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. Thus, it gives lots of opportunities to start new businesses in these areas.

‘Success may come to the first movers, but success stays with the fast movers’, says Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best business coach in India. So if starting your own business is your absolute dream, here is a list of small business ideas that you can explore in the small town:

For young entrepreneurs who are passionate about making their mark, here is a list of low-cost business ideas:

1. Retail Stores

If you will look closely, you will notice that many popular brands are making their way to the rural areas of India. While the market in the big cities has reached its saturation point, in small towns it is still at a development stage. Though the majority of the population is residing in rural India, there is a lack of retail outlets that are well-planned and cater to the different needs of the customers. One such option is to open a Kirana store. A very feasible option, Kirana stores are never out of demand.

2. Flour Mill

Opening a flour mill is another low-investment business idea that can be started with minimum investment. A flour mill can be beneficial in a small town as there is an adequate supply of the raw materials like grains, cereals, oats, barley, sorghum, and spices like turmeric, and chilli etc.

Once your business begins to flourish, you can also supply the products to nearby cities and towns at a good profit. It is a good business opportunity and requires limited money. It also requires a good electrical connection to start and run the business. To expand your business operations, you can watch great informative videos by Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best business motivational speaker in India.

3. Become a Translator

Love learning new languages? Then becoming a translator is an excellent business idea for young and aspiring entrepreneurs in India. Various companies in the country are looking to expand their reach globally. They are willing to pay people who can speak foreign languages like Japanese, Chinese, German and Spanish.

So if you are interested in learning a foreign language, you can make good money from this by offering your translation services to individuals as well as companies.

4. Fitness Guru

Today, people are becoming health conscious more than ever. Thanks to our unhealthy lifestyle and hectic work schedules, more and more millennials are turning towards fitness trainers for good health.

If you are crazy about physical fitness, you too can become a fitness trainer. There are many certification courses available as well. You can set-up a gym and become a qualified fitness guru.

5. Online Tutor

With BYJU`s joining the Unicorn Club in 2020, online education has become a popular thing. If you have proficient knowledge about a certain subject, why not use it constructively? Due to the pandemic, many students are looking for a subject matter expert to help them in their studies. Becoming an online tutor is an excellent business idea that is profitable and involves no risk. Your subject knowledge can help you earn handsome money.

If 9 to 5 desk jobs do not excite you, fuel your entrepreneurial skills with any business idea that has good prospects. Keep your target audience in mind and research well before making any decision. However, with proper guidance and expert knowledge, you can reach your goal quickly.

What does it take to become India`s no. 1 entrepreneur? Deep insights of great mentors who are ready to help you throughout your journey! And our Business Coaching Program that provides you exactly what you require to make it successful. Why not connect with us for more information?

Take the first step towards your brighter future, by clicking here:


5 Smart Tips To Succeed In A Job Interview To Get Your Dream Job

Summary: What you do in an interview and how you present yourself can make a huge difference in bridging the gap between you and your dream job.

Does the thought of appearing for an interview in your dream company give you nightmares? Preparing for an interview, no matter how good the job market may seem—is still the most daunting task ever. No matter how many interviews you may have appeared for, preparing for an interview still means doing your homework, putting it into practice, and knowing how to answer—and ask—the right questions.

Want to gain some deep insights to ensure that you get selected for your dream job? Watch this amazing video by Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India to gain in-depth knowledge about preparing for an interview.

Whether you are switching careers, returning to work, looking for a new challenge, or seeking better culture, pay, and perks, here are the best steps you can take to prepare for and nail your interviews:

1. Research About the Company

The first step in any interview involves the candidate researching the company. What the organization is all about, how it runs, and what its core values and vision– are a few factors that you must learn about before you appear for the job interview.

Doing research will also help you show your interest in that employer as well as will give you clarity on whether it is the kind of place you would like to work in the long run. Ask yourself what matters to you. It may be inclusivity, flexible hours, a remote environment, a diverse workplace—or simply a place that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

You can also call or arrange a call or two with other employees to learn more about the company and its culture.

2. Practice Leads to Perfection

To feel more confident, you can do mock interviews. You can either hire a business mentor or a professional coach to help you with preparing for the interview. Speaking your answers out loud as opposed to writing them can help you develop your muscle memory. However, avoid learning your answers word-by-word where you sound like a rehearsed parrot.

3. Get Comfortable Talking About Yourself

Cracking interviews is a nerve-wracking experience. For many talking about themselves is a unique challenge. It can be awkward and uncomfortable, but in order to get your dream job, you must feel comfortable selling yourself.

Clearly communicate the value you bring to the team, and use examples to make your point. In interviews, be specific. Show, don’t just tell. Share stories that demonstrate your successes. And when talking about a project you completed, explain the impact it had. Talking about the processes and its outcome will increase your credibility and the chances of getting hired too!

It’s really important to find a way that feels genuine to talk about yourself that really showcases the energy and the motivation you have in your work.

4. Keep Your Resume Handy

Whether you are appearing for an interview on video, phone or in person, always have your resume handy. If you are appearing for a face-to-face interview, come prepared with multiple copies to share with those you are meeting. Focus on bringing what’s on the page to life with anecdotes and examples. The more you practice, the easier this will become.

5. Know What Questions to Expect

Every company and its hiring panel is different. But there are a few sections in the interview round that are almost guaranteed to be asked. The one that most often confuses candidates—and that’s also likely to be the first—might seem like the simplest: “Tell me about yourself.” Your answer should be a bit longer than an elevator pitch and go beyond what’s on your resume.

However, it is very essential to not lose track. This question is meant for highlighting your journey, what motivates you, or a special achievement that you can boast about.

For a question like “why do you want to work for this company?” your research comes into play. A question like this is meant to test your knowledge and understand your thinking process.

Cracking a job interview can be difficult, but with little practice and lots of self-belief, you can pass it with flying colors. These five tips can definitely help you to get ready for the interview and get your dream job too! To know more tips about getting selected for an interview, visit:


Top 4 Mindset Milestones Every Entrepreneur Should Reach For Success!

Summary: Having a proper business mindset is required for starting any venture. But what exactly is a “proper business mindset?” Find out in this article.

We all have heard about the expression that your thoughts greatly shape you as the individual you are in the current moment. Our thoughts have a great impact on our personality and our life.

If you listen to or follow any business coach for entrepreneurs, you must have come across a common recommendation for developing a proper business mindset. Many successful leaders often emphasize the importance of the right mindset and how developing it can be beneficial for personal and professional growth.

But, what exactly is a “proper business mindset?”

In simple words, it represents a certain way of thinking that implements various growth strategies, people skills, and approaches to challenges and situations that together help you move forward with your initial plan. It not only helps in professional situations but also in personal life. So, it’s only natural to implement a success-oriented mindset into the field of entrepreneurship.

Here are the top four mindset milestones for entrepreneurs that will make the whole journey far more successful, wise, and even a bit fun:

1. Quit the Mindset that You Will Make it the First time

Many entrepreneurs often expect success out of their business ideas. Having trust in your ideas and confidence in your caliber is something that is an essential entrepreneurial trait. However, if you do not look at the failures along the journey as a normal process, then they can hit you hard if it happens.

This may lead to discouragement, discontent, and a decrease in your self-confidence, and recovering from that one will be quite challenging. Ask any business coach and he or she will suggest that instead of expecting success on the first try, keep your mind open and be ready for any type of scenario. Always, remember to view failures as an incredible source of learning mistakes.

2. Hire a Team of Professionals

As your business will start evolving, you would certainly need support. That’s when the hiring process takes place. Many young entrepreneurs often lack the confidence to hire professionals. So, they end up hiring less experienced people with doubtful work ethics. Recruiting the wrong talent can prove to be detrimental to your business in its early stages. So, always ensure that you hire the right people for the right job.

3. Invest, Invest, Invest

Starting a startup is like investing for a lifetime. If you thought that the initial investment is the only investment that would need to be made, you are greatly mistaken. Maybe your business will become a hit with your target audience and your revenue will start growing. But, before booking yourself an exotic international destination, stop for a second. A business is like a child. It will require constant investment, funds, energy, and time. Accept the fact that you need to reinvest a huge portion of your profit back into the business.

4. Adhere to Business Fundamentals, but Stay Open to New Approaches  

The business world can be incredibly dynamic with lots of trends and distinct approaches. Staying abreast with the new and familiar with the old-school business techniques is crucial for any business to stay relevant in this ever-changing world. We all may have certain preferred methods of work but we should also pay attention to new organizational trends, and be flexible and ready to embrace changes.

There are various business leaders to whom a business mindset comes naturally. However, the majority of us will probably need to further educate ourselves on the best practices and try to implement them in our growth strategies for our business. Having a startup business has many bright sides and it constantly keeps on teaching you how to rise to the next level of growth and self-development.

So, with these simple ways, you can start working upon yourself to develop a proper mindset for your business. You can also follow Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker in India to get business tips for your startup.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our business courses, visit:


5 Simple Ways To Monetize Your Instagram Account!

Summary: Instagram is much more than a picture-posting platform. And with the right knowledge and tools, you can earn money too! Want to know how? Find out in this article.

Instagram, which simply began as a photo-sharing app, today has evolved into a powerful marketing platform. Thanks to thousands of brands and influencers, businesses can reach a wider target audience. It has more than a billion active users per month. Approximately 60% of the users turn to Instagram to discover new products, and around 80% of them follow a brand which gives entrepreneurs a golden opportunity to establish their name.

If you are an entrepreneur and are looking to build a brand image, with the right knowledge and tools, you can grow your followers and earn money too. There are many business coaching programs online to learn Instagram marketing, which you can join to gain in-depth knowledge.

Here are five proven ways that will help you to make money on Instagram with a decent number of followers:

1. Sponsored Posts

These days’ brands use influencer marketing to promote their products because it is more effective. This is because people trust word-of-mouth recommendations more than the brands themselves. Consumers look for referrals from their peers when trying to make a purchase decision.

Brands understand the needs of their consumers and hence, turn to influencers to promote their products rather than doing it themselves on their profiles. If you have a decent number of followers, you can start earning as an influencer. Brands focus more on the engagement rate than on increasing the number of followers. Thus, have more in-person interactions with your followers as it attracts more brands.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Sponsored products are not the only way to make some money on Instagram. Working as an affiliate can also help you monetize your account. Every time your follower purchases a product that you recommend in your account, you earn money. They can use a promo code or they can purchase the item by clicking on the affiliate link. The brand tracks the number of sales completed through your recommendation in your profile and pays a commission in return.

You can start by researching the brands that you will prefer to affiliate with, fill out a request form, and if approved, start promoting their products on your account.

3. Sell Your Own Digital & Physical Products

Many Instagrammers make money by selling their digital products. The good news is that Instagram focuses on visual things. Users often visit this platform to get inspiration and discover new products. So, as long as your products have a strong visual appeal you can sell your products on Instagram. Want to learn more about Instagram marketing? You can join the business coaching program; a specially designed program for entrepreneurs by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

4. Become a Brand Ambassador

The high level of influencer marketing on Instagram makes it an ideal place to seek brand ambassadors. Though sponsored posts are common on Instagram, some brands prefer establishing long-term partnerships with influencers. They use them to endorse their products as their brand ambassadors.

Therefore, you can seek opportunities for collaboration with big brands on Instagram to promote their products too. The company will send you their free products to review and promote on your account.

5. Offer Social Media Marketing Services

Today, social media marketing is playing a key role in brands’ marketing strategies because of its strong sales potential. They use these platforms to endorse their products, services, and brand because they can easily find their target audience on these networks.

The competition is growing every day; hence it’s not easy for brands to run ads or post engaging content on Instagram. However, it’s easy to create great content with professional assistance and that’s what they are doing with influencers.

By using the strategies that we have mentioned above, you can simply start monetizing your account in no time. You can also join online coaching programs for entrepreneurs that will help you to understand digital marketing, different platforms, and its wide scope to reach your target customers.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Business motivation Startup

7 Low-Cost Business Ideas You Can Start From Home Today!

Summary: Start a home-based business with minimum funding. Here are 7 business ideas.

Are you looking to launch your own business, but don’t know where to start? Just relax. You are not alone. Today, many people want to start a business on their own, and for good reasons. On an average, people have two-three careers during their work-life. Also, with the great resignation in full swing, many are looking to become their boss or small business owner by turning their startup business idea into a reality.

If you want to become your own boss, then we have good news! Starting a home-based business is super easy and without risk. You can start it with zero to minimum investment and determination to be successful. Here is a list of seven startup business ideas that you can start right from home:

1. Accountant

Apart from the qualification, little experience, training, or licensing may be needed. Before starting you need to list out what are the services you are willing to offer. Do you simply want to do bookkeeping for small businesses or do you want to be more involved with services like maintaining balance sheets, income statements, or financial reports on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis?

To start and grow your business, you can listen to the best motivational speaker Dr. Vivek Bindra here;

2. Business Plan Service

Think you are good at creating excellent business plans that constitute scaling? Well, then you can offer a soup-to-nuts business plan to various entrepreneurs who are looking to develop a business plan for their startups. Plan your fee around that one main factor that the client will want and offer others as add-on services. You can either give your clients an e-file or you can keep the business plan on file and offer to customise it whenever necessary. Prepare some samples to show your clients as well.

3. Party Planner for Children

From children to adults, everybody likes to party and celebrate their special moments uniquely. The children’s birthday party has become a million-dollar company as millennial parents don’t shy away from spending when it comes to making their children’s birthday special. If you listen to Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker in India & business coach to various large organisations and corporate sectors you will gain in-depth knowledge about starting your own business from the scratch.

4. Consultant

To become a consultant, you need to have expertise in something. Market yourself as an advisor to people who are looking to work in that area. For instance, if you have a good knowledge of digital marketing, you can become a consultant to a business that is looking to establish its presence online. With the expertise and experience that you have gained throughout the years, you can help others do similar things without repeating the same mistakes that you made along the way.

5. Editorial Services

If you have a knack for writing and editing, you can provide freelancing writing and editorial services right from your home. All you need to have is a good internet connection and a working laptop. Here is a list of services that you can offer to your clients:

a). Copyeditor- From checking facts to fixing grammatical, stylistic, and typographical errors, copyediting involves everything.

b). Proofreading- The last stop when a writing piece is finished. A proofreader ensures that all the changes have been implemented and no new errors are created in the process.

c). Ghost Writing- You can offer your services as a ghostwriter in which you will have to conduct all the research and write the book. However, someone else’s name would be attached to it as the author.

d). Copywriting- As a copywriter you will produce copies or taglines that promote a product or a service.

6. Event Planning

Love planning things out for your friends and family? You can become an event planner. One of the first things you are required to do is to visit the client’s location. Tour each site and learn what is available at each location that you can use to create an unforgettable event. You can speak to the client once you start planning things out to understand their expectations and requirements along with the key parameters that you need to work upon.

7. Interior Decorator

If you have done a professional course in interior designing then you can pursue your interest by looking for clients in your network. But if you have a natural talent to give even the smallest space an amazing makeover, you can start your business right from the comfort of your home. To get clients, you can market your services to building contractors. People purchasing new homes often find the process of decorating and organising overwhelming. So, you can take away their worries by offering your expert advice on decorating their interiors.

We are living in a world where people want to be their own boss and starting a startup business is the best way! So, why not try the business ideas that we have mentioned above? They are easy, risk-free, and require minimum investment. Which business idea do you like the most? Let us know in the comment section.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialised courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:

Leadership Building

5 Essential Skills Will Help You Become A Powerful Leader

Summary: A strong leader can help an organization to stay afloat in the best of times, and in the ones that try us the most.

As an entrepreneur, business leader, or owner, the importance of leadership skills can`t be underestimated. Now, we are living in a post-pandemic world and it will be foolish to assume that the blissful stability that once existed will return. This is why strong leadership is more important than ever!

However many people often wonder what it takes to be a great leader? What constitutes to make a great leader? What are those essential qualities that make for great leadership?

We have asked Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India, is it possible to become a great leader with practice? He replied, “Leadership is a skill, and like all skills, it takes practice to become truly great.”

Here are five qualities and mastering them will help you become a more effective leader:

1. Build Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence plays a key role and has an impact on leaders, employees, and organizations as a whole. A leader who is open with his or her emotions in a workplace is much more likely to have a positive impact than a leader who is short-tempered and rigid. The work environment created by the leaders belonging to the latter category is more toxic. Infact, employees experience burnout and attrition is quite high.

To develop emotional intelligence, you need to start introspecting. Cultivating emotional intelligence starts with self-leadership and self-awareness. You can hire a business coach who has been a mentor to high performers. A great mentor can help you to get unstuck and aligned with your goals.

2. Lead With Empathy

Empathy is the ability to be able to understand and relate to the feelings of other people. And it is a very powerful tool for leaders. It can help to build deeper connections with their teams. If it is practiced all over the country it can increase overall success. When you open your heart more, you open up your ability to go against your ego. You open yourself up to new opportunities, new possibilities, and new relationships. A great leader communicates honestly and tries to understand their employees without any judgment.

3. Be a Good Listener

Listening and hearing have a hairline difference between them. While hearing is passive, listening is active. A great leader is someone who understands the difference between the two terms.

Active listening is essential for effective communication. It not only involves ears but many other aspects like body language, expressions, and gestures. What’s not said is just as important as what is said.

A great leader will take cues from all other aspects and help people in the organization who might lack the courage to speak up. We need leaders who listen and are intentional about their conversations. Join India’s most powerful business training event Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra and master the leadership skills.

4. Transparent Communication

When it comes to communication there is no set formula. But, successful communication begins with transparency. But to keep lines open and clear across the business, we must be careful not just about putting our messages across, but also about the mediums, too.

While businesses around the globe are adapting to the change unleashed by the pandemic, great leaders are trying to find the right balance. Good leaders today have to make difficult decisions such as furloughs, and staff reductions.

5. Act Quickly & Confidently

Many leaders talk, but they do not execute what they say. And it is doing so that separates the real leaders from the rest. When your words match your actions, people learn to develop trust. It is more impactful when you take action on what you are hearing from your employees. Leaders who act quickly and confidently often must make difficult decisions, and for that it takes grit.

We are in uncertain times, where the dynamic of business is constantly changing. Leaders, who have clear objectives, are certain, and are committed to their passion and perseverance, are the ones who will continue to build trust in these uncertain times.

It is essential to have leadership qualities to lead a successful business. Learn how to become a powerful leader from the industry experts in our ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’. To know more, click here:


7 Unique Ways To Boost Customer Retention Effectively

Summary: The ultimate goal of any business is to attract customers and retain them.

The foundation of growth and success for every business is staying relevant to their customers, and companies always try to focus on this. Attracting customers is critical for any business. However, their ultimate goal is to get those customers to return and become regular buyers.

Attracting a customer is one thing, but ensuring that they keep returning and stay loyal to your product or service can be challenging. This may seem like a challenge, but some unique methods can be used to retain your customers even more effectively.

Through effective marketing and other actions as well, you can turn a first-time buyer into a loyal fan of your brand. You can also work along with a business coach who can guide you with his expertise to come up with unique ideas to increase customer loyalty.

Here are seven unique methods that you can use to retain your customers:

1. Keep Communications Transparent

Honesty, openness, and vulnerability- are the factors that hold a lot of significance to customers. They want to do business transactions or deal with brands that set realistic expectations and exceed them almost every time. In case they don`t, they take steps to make it better when that happens. Customers truly want to deal with businesses that are transparent about their humanness.

2. Focus on Building Relationships with Customers

Customer relationships are the foundation of customer retention. To build relationships with customers means investing time in understanding their needs, requirements, concerns, their experience with a product or service. A business coach with relevant industry experience can help you to build stronger relationships with your customers.

How you treat a customer before and after he or she purchases your product or service demonstrates who you are. It helps to strengthen your relationship with the customer.

3. Ensure Excellent Customer Experience

If you want to retain your customers, focusing on providing a high-quality customer experience, which translates to providing a service that far exceeds their expectations, can work in your company’s favor. To ensure you are giving your customers nothing but the best, give them quality service or products that are above and beyond their expectations.

4. Interact With Your Customers via Social Media

Today, your target customer is present on social media. Social media platforms have emerged as a boon for marketers and advertisers as they provide easy access and wider exposure to reach out to their consumers firsthand. So, why not engage with them?

Engaging with your customers online via social media is a great way to keep them engaged with your brand as well as remind them that you’re “there” to be of service.

5. Make Your Customers Trust You

People want to associate with a brand that is honest and has its customers’ best interests at heart. Keep your communications clear across all the platforms of your marketing touch-points. This means following all legal and generally accepted safety protocols. Keep a tab on public sentiment to understand what is working and what needs to be updated.

6. Lead with Compassion

Empathizing with your customers once they have purchased your product or service is a great way to solidify your relationship with consumers. Reach out to your existing users to hear how they’ve been affected. If you understand their concerns, you are well-equipped to solve their immediate needs.

7. Make Your Customer Feel Special

People remember how you make them feel. So make your customers feel valued, appreciated, and important. People crave connection, so make your customers feel valued, appreciated, and important by tapping into the good feeling that your product or service creates for customers. Invest the time to make it personal and create a customer environment that allows them to have a sense of belonging.

We often receive hundreds of emails from brands sending us a link to click on. But how many of us open those emails? Instead of trying to stay on top of mind by sending the same email that other companies are sending, send an email telling a story about your company and what you are up to.

Don’t sell. Don’t market. Just create a bond with your customers and lead with compassion.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

Come be a part of India`s most powerful business training Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra which will be held on 22, 23, and 24 July 2022. To know more about this event, visit .


Want To Pitch Your Startup Idea? Here Are The Top 4 Ways To Do It!

Summary: Pitching your idea to your potential investor seems incredibly nerve-wracking. But it is vital to any startup business.

Pitching a business idea successfully to an investor is an entrepreneur`s dream. However, it’s a nerve-wracking experience too! It is like the feeling of giving a presentation in front of the entire class. The only difference between the two is that the former is more challenging!

One often wonders if the potential investor is interested enough. Will they like the idea? And most of all is this potential investor going to fund the project?

The key to doing it successfully is being able to deliver it confidently. However, it can appear as a mammoth of a task if you feel shaky about your public speaking skills.

So how can you ensure that you get investors for your startup business? By not doing mistakes that most entrepreneurs commit unknowingly and by attending India`s most powerful business training—‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra. Also, they practiced the best ways to approach their investors.

Here are top tips for pitching your great ideas or products to investors:

1. Focus On Your Purpose

Connect with what you are doing and focus on the solution that your business idea will provide to your customers. Find a way to calm yourself down beforehand. Practice moving the focus from yourself and your body back to the room, the people there, and your message. Always remember it’s your idea that matters.

2. Perfect your Elevator Pitch

Your elevator pitch is a teaser of your startup business idea. These 30 seconds of elevator pitch should explain everything that someone would need to know when they meet you for the first time.

Your elevator speech should be crisp, direct, and clear. It should simply describe your product or idea and tell your investors everything if they have no background knowledge about your startup.

It should cover the 3W`s- ‘What you do,’ ‘What problem you solve,’ and ‘Why are you different?’

After your pitch, make sure to connect with the person listening. Ask them questions and resolve their queries. Learn how to impress investors with your elevator pitch by attending LFP 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

3. Find & Research your Potential Investors

If you come prepared, the battle is half won! So before doing your pitch, do some research on who you will be presenting. You can also work along with a business coach who can help you find some investors.

You can also search for the list of Angel Investors networks that focus on your region. Some of the investors may be popular figures. So you can research them well online. Study their patterns, as some investors like to be involved in the company they are investing in. Others would rather be hands-off and would rather like to receive quarterly reports on profitability.

4. Present Facts & Figures

When you are pitching your idea to a potential investor, provide solid data reports. Investors are always interested in what you have already accomplished. Also, how much profit they will make post-investment in your company.

The value of a startup is often built even before they have made profits. The numbers behind it are often driven by speculation about how well the company could perform shortly.

However, you must also be well-prepared to back up the numbers you provide to your investors. Investors would want to hear the reasoning behind your numbers.

Do not just give a random figure of new customers your company is acquiring every month. State the exact number of how many customers you will acquire. It does not matter if you are attracting 20 or 20,000 customers. Your transparency and honesty are what matter the most!

Always remember that an investor is not just investing money into your company, they are giving it to you. And they are investing because they believe in you.  Hence, give them confidence by providing real data.

Are you trying to find investors for your startup, but could not despite having an innovative idea that could make huge profits in the long run? Worry not! With our ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra’ you can learn how to raise funds for your business even without an investor. For more information, click here: .

Business motivation

Top 4 Business Tips to Improve your Return On Investment

Summary: Finding ways to increase your business’ profits can be challenging. But with a little innovation and creativity, you may be able to move the needle substantially.

Every business analyzes its future by identifying past and potential financial returns. ROI or return on investment is a ratio of your company`s net profit compared to your financial investment in the business.

Many people often confuse this term with the profit margin. However, ROI is the financial return that you receive from spending money and not the profit received from the sale of goods and services. It helps the leaders to make informed decisions by kicking the guesswork out of the window. To know how you can increase the ROI of your business, you can attend Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

Why is it Important?

The ability to calculate return on investment is crucial for every business, regardless of the company`s size or industry. A businessman is considered smart if he manages his expenses and monitors ROI regularly. Only businesses that can analyze ROI, survive in the long run.

So how can you improve your business`s ROI? How can you ensure that your business`s ROI is always increasing, no matter what?

Want to know which type of business model will give you high ROI? Watch it here.

Here are three ways that will help any business to receive higher ROI in every season:

1. Invest in High-performing Marketing Platforms

As part of their marketing strategies many companies often buy ads from Google and Facebook. But these platforms take a lot of initial investment before they could give you a significant return. If you want to increase your ROI without investing such a large amount, you should look for other platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

2. More Discounts Means Less Profit

Most often than not, many business owners purchase inventory from distributors and lend it to the market on credit. This technique only results in loss- loss of inventory and loss of return. Why? The reason is that you purchase the stock after making the payment in advance to the distributor. However, when you gave the stock on a credit basis with receiving the down payment, you will be deprived of the funds.

Hence, you will have to offer your stock or products at a discount that will eventually hit your profit margin. Always choose a business model where once you sell a product, you get your money back. You can become a franchisee of Bada Business to earn profits every week.

3. Choose a Business Plan with Zero Inventory Management

If you have a small business that stores goods in a warehouse, then managing inventory is an essential part of how you can control your stock. Inventory management is like storing ice. Once you have kept ice inside the warehouse, it will melt down into the water and will drown your profits under it, if you do not manage your stock smartly.

As the time of the stock increases, its shelf-life, as well as the price, begins to decrease. For instance, electronic devices and gadgets experience a price drop as soon as a new model with upgraded technology is launched. From perishable to non-perishable items, the value of stock starts decreasing if the goods stay in the warehouse for a longer duration.

Hence, it is best to order those goods that are popular and have numerous takers in the market. You can also pick a business plan that does not require you to stock up goods in a warehouse. To gain in-depth information from the experts, join India`s most powerful business training event Leadership Funnel Program’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra. 

4. Margin

Whether you have a retail store, commodity business, mobile repair shop, or restaurant business, the profit margin is limited to 10%. However, the margin is not fixed and may be hit by external circumstances like an increase in cost, wastage of inventory, or expensive credit that can convert profit into a loss.

As an entrepreneur, you should always select a business model that returns high ROI. For instance, a Bada Business Franchise Partner enjoys a 20% to 50% of profit margin, without experience undercutting systems, with fixed prices.

If you are looking for simple and effective ways to improve ROI on your business, you should join LFP Bada Business. This event is designed to cater the modern-day entrepreneurs with practical solutions to business challenges.

To know more about our business training program, visit