
5 Key Components To Establish Powerful Performance Management At The Workplace

Summary: Performance management is an essential process to review the hard work and efforts of your employees. So how can you make it more effective and transparent?

Every business aims to make sales, generate revenues and bring in profits. Revenues and sales are made by employees that work in the company. Employees bring customers, and clients stay loyal because of your human capital.

Since so much is dependent on your employees, companies need to ask themselves how they can make their employees satisfied, valued, and happy in their workplace. Evaluating the performance of your employees is the first and most important system that you have to develop in your organization. Every lead or supervisor must be well-trained in how to evaluate the team. You can also consult with a business coach to establish effective performance management.

Many performance management models with different working models have been tested and implemented across organizations worldwide. But truly effective performance management consists of the following essential features:

  1.     Creates a clear picture.
  2.     It is a continuous process of communication.
  3.     It consists of evaluation with feedback.
  4.     It aims to motivate employees who are not performing much.

However, after COVID the work culture has undergone a huge transformation. And one of the most prominent changes is the global imposition of remote work. So how can you ensure to have performance management which is best suited to your organizational goals?

Here are 5 key components of a performance management system designed to ensure productivity in a remote workplace:

1. Revaluate Goals & KPIs

Due to the changed workplace scenario that the current global economy faces, role workloads have differed considerably, with not all equal roles having equal workloads. Thus, KPI and role should be realigned to save costs while extending support to cross-functional processes.

2. Implement Objective & Key Results Methodology

To set, communicate and track organizational goals, management can implement one of the most popular methodologies- “objective and key results”. As this is an overall approach toward goals and employee performance at various organizational levels, it can help incorporate accountability and quantitative proximity of realizable goals.

3. Set SMART Goals

With the remote work paradigm, goal-setting has become even more critical in the current economic climate. Poorly defined goals can become a cause of bad performance and future worries in a climate already marred by global crises and constant disruption.

Hence, the goals defined by the organization must be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

4. Keep in Touch With Employees

Today when companies lay off their employees in huge numbers evoke fear within employees when it comes to their performance. Hence, management needs to understand the significance of maintaining regular contact with employees and keeping them updated on all relevant levels. Encourage them to share about their work, lives, goals, etc.

5. Place your Trust in Employees

It is important to trust your employees and subordinates and give them the privilege of clear communication, especially regarding personal matters. Whether working on-site or remotely, many aspects of human lives are unclear. Hence, having faith while everyone is struggling is a key success factor on all levels. As the remote working culture is prevalent, there may be a few employees who are unable to meet the deadlines. Assuming such employees are not being productive is a serious error of judgment.

Performance management and open feedback systems have become a core part of both our corporate and personal lives. In the end, open and transparent communication is the key to a robust and impactful performance management system, no matter what your physical location is.

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5 Reasons Why Strategy Execution Fails In A Startup Business

Building strategies is one of the most critical aspects of a business as it directly impacts growth. However, it is no longer a secret that most companies struggle with strategy execution.

According to research by McKinsey, “around 70 percent of change efforts fall short of desired results.” Today, senior leaders across the globe have started to take notice of it and realized that the financial losses induced by execution failure are massive.

Building a great strategy is an amazing start. But, organizations must be able to deliver on their intent. Strategies involve changes, and the natural human tendency is to resist them. So, no matter how strong your strategy is or how fantastic your new products and services are, it will only work once it is implemented successfully. To learn the art of executing strategies one can also take an online course for entrepreneurs.

Also Watch here, 4 Step Formula for Strategic Execution by Dr Vivek Bindra:

The first step in finding the biggest challenge that comes in executing strategies is to identify the most essential problems that are acknowledged already.

There are multiple reasons why many organizations fail at the execution level. The common are listed below:

1. Ineffective or unclear communication

Whether it is a personal relationship or a professional relationship communication plays a huge role. The most common problem in strategy execution is bad communication. It means that the communication which is too little, too vague, too late, too early, too much, to the wrong people, or otherwise ineffective can be termed as bad communication. Anything that is communicated vaguely can play a hurdle when it comes to implementing important strategies.

2. Ineffective Management

Failed strategy execution is often seen as a misalignment problem. Alignment means achieving coherence and consistency between different levels of strategy: business strategy, corporate strategy, operational strategy, and functional strategy. Misalignment results in silo behavior and not everyone being on the same page.

3. Ineffective Change Management

The strategy usually involves various changes at all levels. Hence, managing change is an important aspect of strategy execution. Challenges in this area include resistance, no buy-in, lack of commitment, and keeping up appearances. These challenges are largely emotional and mindset problems that come from not engaging people throughout the organization during strategy generation and execution.

4. Ineffective Performance Management

“What gets measured gets managed, and what gets managed gets done.” Hence, performance management is the key to successful strategy execution. If this is done ineffectively, it leads to problems such as unclear or missing objectives and targets, wrong use of measures and performance indicators (KPIs), counterproductive incentives, and failing resource allocation. If you too are facing this challenge, you can take an online business course for entrepreneurs.

5. Ineffective Project Management

Systematic follow-up and project management are two important factors that constitute good strategy execution. The lack of it is a fifth key problem in strategy execution. It comes with unclear responsibilities, missing or conflicting priorities, exceeded budgets, delays, bad time management, and poor or missing leadership at various levels in the organization.

Together, these five problems are responsible for a great share of strategy execution failure in most organizations. These challenges are not new. They have been acknowledged in the 1980s. And so have their solutions. Hence, organizations must consider these challenges and their solutions to ensure that strategies are very well executed at every stage.

Of course, strategy and execution are complex, and resolving these 5 problems can be extremely challenging. But, if there are challenges, so are their solutions.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive online course for entrepreneurs that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.