Business motivation

Want to be an Entrepreneur? 7 Signs You Need to Start your Own Business

If you are sitting at your work desk, daydreaming about your startup plan for a new business this article is just for you!

Although it’s a no-brainer that starting a startup business is an intimidating process and requires a lot of hard work. Despite being aware of this fact, if the question is lingering with you day and night maybe you have it in you to become an entrepreneur.

But sometimes, due to a bad boss or dissatisfaction with the work culture, people often think about starting their own business and fail miserably at it. Perhaps, you too are just unhappy with your current job profile or role or maybe you are looking for a drastic change in your life with your innovative small business ideas.

So how will you find out if you are seriously ready to start your own small business in India? Well, worry not! Here are 7 signs that you are ready to wear the entrepreneur`s hat:

1. You are always thinking

Whether it is a new startup business idea or an online business course, entrepreneurs never stop pondering over distinct matters. It`s a blessing and a curse. If you think about yourself thinking about various subjects at the same time, maybe the day has come to leave the rat race and do something that you have always dreamt about. Put your thoughts into motion and start your own business.

2. You are passionate

Though entrepreneurs tend to come up with various startup business ideas at the same time, if there is one concept that you have instantly fallen in love with, perhaps this is the time to turn it into a reality. Entrepreneurs and business owners tend to be passionate about their plans and what they do. They do everything to turn their vision into a product or service to solve their customers` burning problems.

3. You are Independent

Being independent is the most common trait of entrepreneurs. This does not mean that you are anti-social or like to stay under the rock. It simply means that you believe in providing solutions to most of the problems on your own. Now, maybe this is the moment that you feel independent enough to begin working small business startup plan.

4. You are Self-motivated

Though having the best motivational speaker by your side is great, you don`t always need them or anyone else to get you moving. You wake up every morning even when you don`t feel like it and do what needs to be done.

5. You are Super Organized

Running a business is not child`s play! It requires plenty of organizational skills. At a later stage, you may want to hire a professional accountant or a lawyer. But initially, you will have to rely on yourself to track your finances, delegate responsibilities and pitch your ideas to investors. You can`t think about doing that without being organized.

6. You love Solving Burning Problems of People

Should you feel a strong desire to assist people by providing a service or a product, consider this as a telltale sign that you are meant to start your own business. This desire to help people can keep you going from the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey.

7. You feel stuck at your job

Well, most of you must be thinking that so many people often feel stuck at jobs. But, if the feeling persists despite switching more than 3 jobs in a year then you are probably unfulfilled. You might get a promotion and you feel better, but it will make you feel better, only momentarily. So, figure out if you would like to work on your start-up business idea or just need to do something different.

Let`s assume you have an awesome startup plan for a business, but everyone is telling you that it can`t be done. What is your reflex response? Do you listen to them or make their opinion your motivation to prove your vision? If your answer is the latter one, then yes, it`s time you should begin working on your business.

Well, the above-mentioned traits and many others can give you a rough idea. But one thing that can make sure that you are ready to start up your startup, is your own heart! Believe it, when it says you are ready!

Owing a business is incredibly rewarding, but to keep it up and running needs professional expertise if you are an amateur. To know how to build a startup from the scratch, you can take the ‘Entrepreneurship course’ to gain in-depth knowledge about different aspects of the business.